If you done a lucky 15 instead of a Yankee you would have got treble the odds on your winner.Faller (when leading at the last), second, and now a winner.
Not a million miles away today
If you done a lucky 15 instead of a Yankee you would have got treble the odds on your winner.
Toyed with the idea of backing Dodging Bullets this morning but out of sentiment went with Sprinter Sacre.
Wise man say bet with head not heart anyway two nice winners today so can't complain.
It costs slightly more but you get far more value.Yeah, I stuck with the old school Yankee out of tradition.
I'll do a lucky 15 today
I'm fairly sure the bonuses apply.Is the lucky 15 still worth it over a Yankee if you're doing e/w bets? I assume that removes any bonus?
I'd prefer to make a 30% profit than take a higher risk for 200%, so tend to do a fair few each ways when I bet.