I like the fact that he said both dead people and the residents of Mars had voted.
Mars strikes me as democrats, but surprised the dead didnt for Trump...
Must be crisis actors
That'll cheer Dantes up.Also, Give it a few months and Melania will dump him
Just heard the Trump camp is started supposedly some "emergency" fundraising to cover the mounting legal fees. The business of law will be the real winner after all is said and done, each state they go after will be a separate court case, each involving goodness knows how many teams of lawyers and legal experts.
And ultimately Trump and company will lose all these legal challenges, because at the end of the day, they have no real legal case. I'm guessing only thing wrong with those mail in ballots is that were for Biden and not Trump.
Also, Give it a few months and Melania will dump him
Your guess is almost certainly wrong, there will be thousands of mailed ballots improperly filled out, these voters are not the sharpest minds around especially the ones ridin with biden. Half of them can't even write their names #comeonman
I wonder what kind of drugs they propped Trump full of to make him come through the final days of rallying.
I wonder what kind of drugs they propped Trump full of to make him come through the final days of rallying.
Your guess is almost certainly wrong, there will be thousands of mailed ballots improperly filled out, these voters are not the sharpest minds around especially the ones ridin with biden. Half of them can't even write their names #comeonman
That is not how you jack-off ghosts!Something that made him hallucinate. It looked like he was dancing on stage, but in his mind he was jacking off ghosts.
If they were improperly filled out, they should have been rejected by the counters. So assume that any counted mail in ballot was filled however correctly it needed to be to be accepted.
Figure some human error involved in counting and a few ballots that should have been rejected make it through, but very few, probability that all those mail in ballots will end up still being counted is like 6.3 according to my calculations.
And I bet they can at least write their first names, most of them anyway.
Something that made him hallucinate. It looked like he was dancing on stage, but in his mind he was jacking off ghosts.
The fall out from this from Dantes & Trump makes me wonder how they would feel about a buzzer beater in Basketball. Shot taken before the buzzer, buzzer goes off but game lets the shot finish. Perfect analogy for mail in votes. Should it count @dantes
Morning btw.
Or corrupt, pervy, old, white dude?Doesn't the answer depend on the team you support ?