It would indeed.
I have a very strong personal preference - but that’s just because I want to spend the next 4 years ripping the piss out of Dantes.
I didn't realise Biden was so popular amongst the dead
How she dropped the concerns she had about Biden's sexual assualt allegations once they asked her to be VP
I think you are mistaking my gleeful delight at your pain should Big D have won, and believing there would be a reciprocal amount of pain on my end should he lose. I'm afraid that's not how I roll. You're going to have to wait until there is a hot latin female capitalist president to have any chance of effectively ripping into me.
I didn't realise Biden was so popular amongst the dead
Sorry but this is fake news. Read the comments.
This is why social media is dangerous. People just share things they want to believe in.
Oh no, Dantes. You will find that it is you who are mistaken. About a great many things.
By now you must know that Big D can never be turned into President again.....
.... Oh, I'm afraid the postal ballots will be counted when they arrive....
Didn't the same happen to every last credible Republican after Trump won nomination?
They've all been cowards and sheep these past 4 years, and rallied behind him, even when he's spouted the most ridiculous of claims. None have spoken out for fear of losing their seat or being on the end of one his twitter rants, where he gives them a nickname.
They're all the same now; Democrats (centre-right) and Republicans (right, who claim Dems are far left, to move them further to the right); two sides of the same coin. Spineless lizards.
I've got sooo many questions
Indeed. The only one who isn't one of them, the one who could bring balance to the force, has been deposed to the delight of the idiotic masses. The treacherous republican lizards are wasting no time in stabbing him in the back, whilst they all keep hold of their seats in the senate like the racist fundamentalist christian lunatics they are.
Wait.... doesn’t Princess AOC bring balance to the force?
She'll prance about like Mary Poppins, tire herself out, then die of no discernible cause.
Won’t matter when Biden takes Pennsylvania & Georgia.
Georgia is 99% done with Big D ahead. Still way too early for the fake news to call it, unlike Arizona which they insta-called after 1 fucking vote yesterday. Also interesting how many states reach 99% and then decide to take a sudden breather before doing the last little batch.
Georgia is 99% done with Big D ahead. Still way too early for the fake news to call it, unlike Arizona which they insta-called after 1 fucking vote yesterday. Also interesting how many states reach 99% and then decide to take a sudden breather before doing the last little batch.
It took some effort - but I eventually managed to get a few of the states to help string you along for a bit, get your hopes up, before crushing all you hopes and dreams - like an Alderaan just waiting for some Death Star target practice.
Yeah.... it’s almost like it’s the middle of the night.
Anyway... that 1% is enough to swing it in Biden’s favour because they’re all the votes he personally cast when Trump’s goons weren’t looking.
If he remembered to vote for the right person... mostly.
Zimbabwe are concerned the USA elections are not fair or free.
Dante's and Rosco sitting in a tree....
Never saw this one coming....