There's more than one way to prove stupidity ... as you are very aptly demonstrating.
Yes, another way would be in the case of the blood clots. How'd your expert statisticians work out for you there?
There's more than one way to prove stupidity ... as you are very aptly demonstrating.
Median household income is up under Trump. That's as far as I think you're able to go. If you really want to unpack that, go and get the data and do research upon it, or go and look for a research paper where someone else did it for you. If you have questions about how to do or interpret that research, then ask away.
Actually why stop there.
Was it up und Bush 2, Clinton, Bush 1, Regan, Carter....?
Did you not look at the graph? Do you want me to point out where the line goes up and where it goes down for you? It seems so. A line that is like / is going up, a line that is like \ is going down. /......up. \...... down.
/ this type of line is up
\ this type of line is far away
Yeah - so it went up Under Reagan, down Under Bush 1, up under Clinton, down Under Bush 2, and under Obama it ended up higher at the end of his 2 terms than at the start.
So, I presume you’ll be championing Bill Clinton for presiding over the largest increase during his terms.
Interestingly, the increase seems like it could be plotted in a straight line on the trend from 2014.
So are you saying Trump was hanging on the coattails of Obama’s good work.... again!
Credit to Trump - he’s the first Republican President since Regan to take over and not oversee some sort of financial meltdown.
Well... those figures look like they’re to 2019 - I’d imagine 2020’s figure might change that graph a little - seems like the Republicans always end up leaving the Democrats to sort out a mess.
Has your supposed interest in researching the drivers of income growth ended once you were able to reconcile it with your feels? Got it.
I don’t have any feels about the US Median Household - Given that I’m not part of a household in the US.
Err pretty damn good actually. Far better than your brain seems to comprehend.Yes, another way would be in the case of the blood clots. How'd your expert statisticians work out for you there?
'Dantes ignoring statistics that don't suit his rhetoric shocker'You just going to pretend you never believed the vaccines were not the cause of the clots? Got it.
Today the House of Representatives has taken an historic step toward continued prosperity in America, reform in China, and peace in the world. . . it will open new doors of trade for America and new hope for change in China. - Bill Clinton, U.S. President, Circa 2000.
Well, I'll leave that there and if you give a shit you can use it to continue your research on the drivers of median household income in the states and/or genocide in the peoples republic of china on your own.
I can only assume dantes would be all over this and crying about dementia if it was sleepy joe. He's just ignoring this, though, right?
I think he's on the wind up. It's the only explanation why he ignores trump's failings and highlights biden's.I can only assume dantes would be all over this and crying about dementia if it was sleepy joe. He's just ignoring this, though, right?
I think he's on the wind up. It's the only explanation why he ignores trump's failings and highlights biden's.
It's a good job Trump is going to be President in August again or I think Dantes might not be let out of ashworth.
Leave Dantes alone.. its been a very traumatic day to learn your hero wears Tena for men
I never once commented on that Biden story.You still don't get it. When I look at the photo, the obvious conclusion is he put his trousers on backwards, perhaps to cover a stain on the other side, and appears to have a nappy on underneath. I don't make retarded wrong conclusions. Because I'm not a woke fool like most you have become. Yet you look at Biden calling a six year old girl nineteen because of her crossed legs, and conclude it's meaningless, nah just harmless grandfatherly banter. Then cope with it by pretending I am equally as thick in regards to Trump. But that's just not true now matter how much your feels tell you otherwise.
I never once commented on that Biden story.