That’s quite a list of things Biden has managed to do since the end of Jan - seeing as the world was in such a good place prior to that.
All on his own too.
I’m sure he’ll have wiped out all of humanity by Christmas.
Yes. This. Because America was a modern day Garden Of Eden until January 20th, with love, peace and harmony reigning supreme across the land.
Dantes: (in most every post) . . . "woke" . . . "virtue signaling" . . . "pedophile" . . . "woke" . . . "Biden" . . . "froth" . . ."foam" . . . "woke" . . . "love to see it"We're only arguing because you're burying your head in the sand over someone who looks at a six year old girls legs, compliments her, and says she looks nineteen. I honestly don't give a shit about Trump, he's gone, off playing golf, y'all keep bringing him up to whatabout your way out of calling Biden a paedophile who's fucked up your economy, the border, the middle east, inflation, fuel supplies, and so forth. Just read his words in bold and have a word with yourselves. Wah wah wah what about Trump, it's boring, and then once y'all bring up Trump you then delusionally spew your tired old oh look dantes talking about Trump again routine wah wah wah.
Don't mention him again. Simple. Unless he dies or does something newsworthy. Or keep mentioning him if you want to, and then cry more at the moral pain it seems to cause you. I really don't care either way.
Dantes: (in most every post) . . . "woke" . . . "virtue signaling" . . . "pedophile" . . . "woke" . . . "Biden" . . . "froth" . . ."foam" . . . "woke" . . . "love to see it"
Everyone: "what a fucking laughable, pathetic loser - let's see what made up, deluded shit this cunt posts today!"
You’re not suggesting that Dantes is purposefully misinterpreting data to support his own position are you?
Perish the thought.
I copied his exact words. You defended them. You're sick. Then you have the temerity to say I need help? Get the fuck out of here.
That sentence alone tells us all we will ever need to know about Dantes.For example, when I disagree with Fauci, it's because after 15 seconds of thinking I understand the physics better than he or his entire staff will ever be able to. ...
You can have a crack at explaining the drivers behind the Median household income and the trend over the last however many years you feel like and by all means come up with some sort theory as to why it’s all to do with Trump’s 4 years in office if you like?
I’m in lockdown - so I’m very grateful for whatever entertainment you can provide.
Can’t be any worse that the shit films I’ve been watching of late (Jaws excepted).
That sentence alone tells us all we will ever need to know about Dantes.
Now you understand why he slavishly follows Trump. The deluded following the deluded.
Ahaha !!You're an idiot. By which I mean your only way to access information about the world is through identifying experts and following what they tell you. You have that in common with Trump. Neither of you have that in common with me. The difference between you and Trump is that he has a better bullshit sensor, he could tell a fake expert from a real one, which the emails should tell you. You don't, so you can laugh at Trump all you like, but you got taken for a fool and he didn't. If you listened to Fauci talk and couldn't tell within 5 seconds flat he was a total moron, then you're a gullible idiot. If you have now read his emails and don't understand after the fact that you were an idiot, I don't know what that is, but good luck.
Median incomes rise under trump. That's really quite good. Yet you frantically start looking for mechanisms and drivers to show it's not good or not due to him. You're delusional. Border encounters rise under biden. That's really quite bad. Yet you frantically start looking for mechanisms and drivers to show it's not bad or not due to him. More delusion.
The point of the diagram was to remind you of the difference between the median and the mean, which you'd presumably learnt at some point in school or college and have now forgotten. The median isn't skewed by outliers. So all that stuff you were discussing with Farky is just pure mathematical nonsense. It might not be nonsense if the distribution of incomes was made up of two peaks with nothing in the middle, in which case the middle value is irrelevant. Unfortunately, that's not how incomes are distributed. So you're just wrong.
Did the Median average household wage go up under Obama?
I’m not sure if the figures are out yet for Biden - but if they’re up - will you be championing that?
Maybe you can let me know what you think about the income equality gap and hows that’s changed.
Wouldn’t mind knowing also about whether changes to the size of household might in some way impact the figures.
Happy for you to overlay some data to get a broader picture.
I mean, you could cherry pick some stats to say what you want them to say - or you could provide a more comprehensive analysis befitting one of the great minds of our time.
Or not.
Ahaha !!
Fauci : Medical degree from Cornell University Medical College in 1966. Completed an internship and residency at The New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center.
Dr. Fauci is an immunologist and has served as the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, where he oversees research to diagnose, prevent, and treat infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis.
Dantes : Trump apologist suffering from delusions of grandeur.
You’re mistaking my remarks for concern, Dantes. Another demonstration of your very limited abilities to process information, and a vital clue in your introspective quest.
I couldn’t give a fuck about you. Why would I care about the forum psycho? My only concern is about about the poison you vomit onto this forum.
Unplug, and go back to wearing your dead moms wig.
There's more than one way to prove stupidity ... as you are very aptly demonstrating.To be fair, if I was stupid and therefore had to rely upon smarter experts, and the above was what I considered to be the two options, I'd put my faith in Fauci too. Can't fault your logic. Shame that it didn't turn out too well in this case.