No, he got approx 74.2m votes.
And I'm sorry... I didn't realize that you're one of them. I wouldn't have wasted my time responding had I known that.
But I'll sign off here by saying that I just love your logic on the whole burden of proof thing... They just make this horseshit up, and it's on everybody else to prove them wrong?!?!? Merciful Jesus!
Prove to pig-ignorant people who are convinced that there is widespread fraud (there isn't), who will never be convinced that there wasn't widespread fraud (there wasn't), or it's not their fault that they'll storm the Capitol and murder people, but rather ours for not indulging in their treasonous fantasies?!?!? You cannot disprove that which they will believe, no matter what you show them to the contrary... Those people will never say "Oh, ok. Fair enough. I was was wrong. He lost."
Love that line of thought, though... "Hey, everybody!!! That bloke over there is killer and a rapist and a terrorist... I have not one credible iota of proof to back up my claims, and all people who don't share my 'anti-him' agenda repeatedly tell me that he is none of those things, but I'm just gonna keep saying it, over and over, and if he can't prove to my satisfaction that he isn't (which, because I will never not believe my own lies, is impossible), I must be right. Fuck me, this is gold.