No, my problem is with neo-nazis, those who apologize for them, and people who pretend that both sides have legitimate concerns.
In most things I encounter, I think myself open-minded and able to listen, learn and be wrong. In this particular matter, I have no desire to listen to somebody whose first reaction to a BLM protest is to scream 'All Lives Matter', as if white people are somehow treated the same way as minorities are, and thus any attempt to improve the way minorities are treated would mean their being elevated above white people... It's just wrong.
I don't care about why they're yelling it. Their ignorance, their racism, their fragility is not something I will ever take a second to understand or empathize with. And anybody who pretends that my intolerance of their intolerance is the same thing, and an equal part of the problem that we're now faced with, can also fuck right off. Fuck me, there are people here who, had they and the internet been around in 1944, would have defended the fucking Nazis and claimed that the allies pushing back as was as much the problem as the Nazis' initial aggression was.
There is no 'fake news', as that cunt and his followers proclaim there to be... There is right wing media and there is left wing media, and they slant their reporting of what's happening to their own ends, yes. But only one side pretends that this cunt isn't a KKK leader in all but attire, inspiring hatred and violence everywhere he goes. Only one side pretends that he wasn't 100% responsible for what happened last week, and has been happening over here for the past four fucking years. THAT'S the fake news, mate. That people push back against that is understandable and laudable, not equally wrong, FFS.
You say the word 'either cause' in your last line to me... Those who hang on his every word, who manufacture this violence and chaos in an attempt to undermine the natural and legal transfer of power, who claim the election was stolen, who refuse to accept the rules simply because they no longer like like them, who stormed the Capitol intent on overthrowing the government by violent means, taking hostages, setting off bombs, those pricks don't have a cause... They have a manifesto. Just like their Austrian mate did in the 1930s and 40s.
This isn't right V left, mate. It's right V wrong. And if you argue that point, you're on the wrong side.