haha the right to be offended...I kinda like that.
"I demand the right to be an irrational dick!"
"I demand the right to be an irrational dick!"
All the same, being existentialist about it and taking away people's right to be offended is.... Kinda dickish
If I was offended by someone's opinion about Hillsborough, would I deserve pity for feeling offended?
All the same, being existentialist about it and taking away people's right to be offended is.... Kinda dickish
If I was offended by someone's opinion about Hillsborough, would I deserve pity for feeling offended?
Offence is a conditioned response.
Are you *offended* when I say "pecan pie"? no its just a noise I made with my mouth or a word I just typed
much as the word "nigger" or "yid" etc etc.
If someone takes *offence* to something I pity them.
I would pity the person making the remark to cause the offence.
The enlightened response is not to use the offensive language AND not to take *offence* to the noise being
omitted from the vocal orifice in the cranium of the bellend making the noise.
Anger is a response generated by a lesser intelligence not being able to reason and think and is irrational.
*offence* usually is measured by someone feeling anger ergo...the offended person is being irrational.
The law doesn't care about rights in that sense either. It essentially constructs an avatar of you, which appears before the court. So when you say "I was offended" it technically doesn't mean you are offended, you could be laughing your fucking bollocks off at the prospect of sending the thick cunt to prison, it matters not. What the phrase "I was offended" means is that the avatar of yourself, whom you are representing in the court, was offended in the legal sense of the word.
That avatar is then filled out with the rights, statutes, common law, contractual obligations and so forth. And the court asks itself whether in the circumstances, with regard to the law, that avatar has been offended. If so, the guilty party pays the price. It's brilliant.
Related to this why I could never understand how there was uproar if 3 people in a crowd make monkey noises at a player, but no one bats an eyelid at 10 thousand people singing 'your missus takes it up the arse' to Beckham. Or 10 thousand people singing 'you fat bastard' to campo/adam.
It's seems some offence is worse than others, depending on how the outside world view it, not how the person being offended takes it. What happens if 3 people make monkey noises at Balotelli and he brushes it off, but then what about if Adam tops himself from the abuse he takes about being a fat? Obviously that will be neither here nor there.
hence the mockery or our legal system...ask yourself...where is the injured party? to whom have they caused loss or harm?
if I smoke a reefer...where is the injured party?
if I incite racial hatred (can you see the newspeak yet?) where is the injured party?
I do like the position that the "freeman on the land" movement takes however in our "soft tyranny" state we have to live with it until enough people wake up to the mechanisms of the system
haha the right to be offended...I kinda like that.
"I demand the right to be an irrational dick!"
Righto, I'm away to take a piss on the gates of Auschwitz while singing 'there ain't no black on the union jack'. Then I might draw a black person being hung by the KKK on a wall with my own shit. But I'm just expressing a point of view. Don't you dare feel offense.
dear mr irrational facetious,
don't worry about me im not offended and I hope you are happy following your pursuits!
just please don't rub your shite on my walls and we will all be happy
kind regards
totally not fucking arsed
Should I be offended or not? Irrational? Facetious? how dare you/you are welcome to your opinion.
Related to this why I could never understand how there was uproar if 3 people in a crowd make monkey noises at a player, but no one bats an eyelid at 10 thousand people singing 'your missus takes it up the arse' to Beckham. Or 10 thousand people singing 'you fat bastard' to campo/adam.
It's seems some offence is worse than others, depending on how the outside world view it, not how the person being offended takes it. What happens if 3 people make monkey noises at Balotelli and he brushes it off, but then what about if Adam tops himself from the abuse he takes about being a fat? Obviously that will be neither here nor there.
What if 100 started making monkey noises instead of 3, does it make it worse because of the numbers?
Not sure what colour you are and not going to say one crime is worse than another, but I suggest you try putting yourself in place of a black or asian 15 yr old playing on a sunday league game and getting shouts of skin the paki/nigger by middle aged parents and then think how you would feel and react at that point of dimissing those reacting or feeling crap because they can't feel like Gandhi at the point. I'm not saying any form of abuse/freedom speech should be banned or tolerated but it's a whole lot worse when you receieve it. I have seen this in park football to various degrees in the last 20yrs in the south and seen the faces of an offended player, at the moment I could never heart to say "chin up lad and feel bad for the offender".
Remember, the offended isn't often some 32 old pro, it can be a kid who's just playing the game he loves probably with 10 other white players, try and put yourself in their shoes.
I wasn't implying one is worse than the other, think you missed my point there, racism is shit regardless of which ever minority. I was just reflecting on racism I have seen here that's all. My point was attributed to a specific offended race otherwise I would have listed chinese/arabs/tories etc.Completely agree Rubans. I started another thread to cover it 🙂
I'm not sure how a black/asian 15yr old is any different to a white 15yr old if they are receiving abuse though? What about if say for example the white child was playing in a country where he was in a minority?
he can still get his ban increased I believe. Independent panel found him guilty for 5 games while FA have appealed that decision as they want to increase it, so this is not done yet...I guess Anelka can consider himself lucky:
Uefa hand Belgium's Omar Rahou 10-match ban after making 'quenelle' gesture during Uefa Futsal Euro 2014
ah yes the old PERSON..legal personality.
statutes are enforced in a court of equity (a mixture of maritime admiralty jurisdiction/roman law) not common law.
I think what you are saying in a long winded way is that there is no injured party (common law)
however as Thomas coke I think it was stated "where law and equity clash equity will prevail"
hence the shite state of affairs we have today.
Sorry, but this is utter tosh. You're completely mistaken about the origins and function of equity, and its relation to the common law and legislation.
Which is partly your fault too. If lawyers said case law instead of a vague term like common law there would be no confusion.
Or if lawyers had a fraction of my genius/aspergers syndrome, they could draft legislation for everything, every offence in every context and permutation, then there would be no need for case law.
Legislation for everything? You're a bit late to the party, mate. The likes of France, Germany and Japan have pretty much codified their laws for everything. Even so, they do consider case law and precedent if sufficiently uniform and consistent, so I'd say they haven't remotely approached your genius.
@LeTallecWiz Is that a fact or made up? I know he's said some crazy shit, but I've never seen him quoted saying that it never happened?
Sorry, but this is utter tosh. You're completely mistaken about the origins and function of equity, and its relation to the common law and legislation.
Ah for fucks sake, you had to ruin it.
I'll have to go looking for YouTube videos of monkeys juggling or this kind of amusement from now on.