I used to think suicide was selfish.
Personal experience has changed that. For me, we are trying to put this into a right or wrong scenario. There's no right or wrong in opinion.
Is Oncy wrong? Doesn't matter. It's his view and he's entitled to it. I get Andy's attitude to life and I'm pretty certain he's not trying to offend, just laying his own cards on the table.
Disagree by all means. Debate with him, but if people want someone to see a different point of view, it's better to discuss ones own experiences.
I've been suicidal. I planned it all out. I knew the method and the place. I didn't want to do it and I was, luckily way too much of a coward to do it. But at the time, it seemed like the only option to me to save me from the pain, and save my family and friends from me.
Of course my kids were a huge factor in not doing it, that much was obvious. But I clearly remember a thought in my mind when I was in position to carry it out. That thought? If I do this, Liverpool will probably win the league and I won't be there to see it. Proof that at that moment, you're not thinking straight!
I hope Aaron gets the support he wants and needs and makes a full recovery and learns how to manage this illness. It's been said before, but it doesn't respect race, creed, status, gender or class. It can affect anyone at anytime.