If we disregard the reports (many from journalists) that we've been after players then we've done fuck all to go for first team players.
That would mean either Rodgers has lied about it or we're staggeringly incompetent.
As it we look slow at best, & completely sluggish & unrealistic in our valuations at worst.
I really don't see it that way at all. One of the reasons I don't get hyper over all these links and quotes from the Twitterati is I don't believe them (though they are nice to read) - until either the player or one of the clubs makes a bona fide statement about the possibility/discussions. Even then the process can not be completed quickly so there is always the possibility of another club trying to gazump the deal by offering a fee well above that at which we rate the player, or offering CL football etc.
I also don't think it's as easy as WAM, BAM and there's your new player on a flight to Speke. It's almost always a long drawn-out process (whether caused by a club's reluctance to sell, the player's reluctance to move, fee negotiations, wage negotiations, contractual terms, legal reviews, agent's fees, 3rd Party interests .... or whatever). Real seem to be a sterling job with Bale don't they, and that's with a world record offer on the table.
The only time deals are sewn up quickly is when a club is overpaying (e.g. Carroll) or the player feels it's a big step up and an offer he can't refuse. Rarely does the former apply to us in our current situation, the later might ! Hence the reason that the club may well have been interested in the right players, from our point of view, this window but just been unable to seal the deal, not from incompetence but due to one of the factors mentioned above derailing the process.
The club never tells us what is in the works until the process is complete (and rarely when it fails, a good thing) so as fans we really we do fit the role of Mushrooms/Dark/Bullshit and FB and Twitter just keep the pot boiling over the Summer. Exciting but rarely is there any substance.