He played well today however Allen is boss .He is close to being world-class and given his age,potential and talent he sooner than later will be.
I've been cooing over the boy for a while. Nothing compared to Sahin, but he's a player.
Adam was about a billion times better than Shelvey today. He played well.
He was shite tonight. That doesn't mean he's shite. But tonight, he was.
Adam was about a billion times better than Shelvey today. He played well.
No one was even talking about Shelvey here though.
Adam was about a billion times better than Shelvey today. He played well.
The thing is, I don't want to eviscerate LFC players. I just don't get a kick out of it.
Adam is miles better than Henderson as he knows about ball games and the physics of dynamics. That doesn't mean Adam is good, it's not a fair comparison. Henderson is a thick shithead who can't play football.
Who? Seriously he's fucking awful. If we could have had 3m back for him this window they'd have taken it.
Search the posts. I said on the day we bought him he'd be back at Sunderland in 2014 for 4m. I think I was actually being overly optimistic
Sunderland fans I knew and know. They said he was shit. And then when we got him and people started saying on the wing was out of position - well all the sunderland lads said that was his best position. And let's be real... you can still trap a ball out of position can't you? He can't. He's just fucking bollocks,
How do I know? Ferguson was meant to be after him. Capello picked him. Dalglish bought him.
I think it was some weird zeitgeist shit that ended up showering us with filthy slurry.
Sunderland fans I knew and know. They said he was shit. And then when we got him and people started saying on the wing was out of position - well all the sunderland lads said that was his best position. And let's be real... you can still trap a ball out of position can't you? He can't. He's just fucking bollocks,