I wonder if Moreno was asked to do it with 20 seconds remaining in the match .... or that was all his own brainless idea to leave our CBs (who we all know are not the speediest) without cover ?
Same goes for anyone else actually defending his actions at the end of the match (this thread not being about his overall play but about the last 20 seconds of the Villareal match), should he really have bombed forward with a decent result in the bag ? Not in my book, it was crass stupidity (ditto Lucas who I thought overwise had a very good game).
They were asked to bomb forward, yes. But what I was actually defending during this post was his forward thrust when he nearly scored. If you read on a bit more you'll see I had my wires crossed as to which passage of play RN's point related to (a result of only seeing the highlights), Hansern kindly pointed me in the right direction.
So yes, he shouldn't have been caught so out of position at the end - on that we agree. I'm not sure what relavance the centrebacks' lack of pace has though, it wasn't relevant for the other 90-something minutes when both fullbacks were being asked to attack.
At the end of it all, it was a quality move from Villareal to exploit the space that had opened up - that's clearly going to be a big danger on Thursday when we are having to chase a result.