Well that's a big fucking 'meh' from me then...
this explains why you're so thick
*leaves site*
Is it the one youve sent me mate?
I can recommend it to all. I havnt finished it yet mind you. Might end shit.
It only takes 3 or 4 hours with full concentration. It's one of them type books.
The sequel is already underway... And obviously it's well better. It's 50 years in the future and Baba Onos (the football playing terrorist of this book) is now thought to be the messiah, but only because the system that improves people's character traits and solves all mental health issues, centrally operated and paid for by subliminal advertising, has been hacked by a global security force. Mind being universe being mind, there's a yin / yang rebalancing, which is physically rendered via a professor creating a weapon of unparalleled destruction, a weapon that doesn't simply obliterate matter, it uncreates the entire universe. It swallows dreams.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!sounds like a rip off of the invisibles.
I've just googled The Invisibles and read the first paragraph of the wiki - and I'm not reading any more as it would completely fuck me up.
I had this years ago when I came up with ideas and some fucker would tell me it had been done so I never did anything. Everything has been done I suppose. Even black amputee toilet seat porn.
I did the exact same thing. I started writing this crime noir thing where the drug of the future is dreams and you can buy dreams and shit from people and then this cat starts murderin people but they cant figure out how and hes basically been stealing dreams from nutcases at the insane asylum and injecting people with them and their minds cant handle the fucked up dreams of the nutters....yadda yadda, it was ace. But then someone told me it had been done. I threw it away and had a little cry.I've just googled The Invisibles and read the first paragraph of the wiki - and I'm not reading any more as it would completely fuck me up.
I had this years ago when I came up with ideas and some fucker would tell me it had been done so I never did anything. Everything has been done I suppose. Even black amputee toilet seat porn.
Mate if 'it was all a dream' im hunting you down.
the invisibles is your book but with pictures. livvy might 'read' it.
livvy has a reading age of a bonobo.
i basically go around trying to destroy people's egos for the sake of humanity, so yeah, i'm happy.I'm suffering with pleurisy and in quite a bit of pain. I'm withdrawing now to weep in isolation.
Hope you're happy.
i basically go around trying to destroy people's egos for the sake of humanity, so yeah, i'm happy.
Pleurisy sucks, even more than you..
The 3rd kit looks a bit better in real life than the mock up
The 3rd kit looks a bit better in real life than the mock up