Urinal Etiquette

Do not occupy a urinal which means that the following person is forced to stand beside another if you can possibly avoid it. e.g. if you come in and the situation is OOOOXO, you would have to be a real prat to occupy the 2nd from the left and make it OXOOXO. The next poor bugger has to stand beside someone. You chose either the furthest left or the 3rd one from the left. Hopefully that makes sense.

It makes perfect sense. I would chose the furthest left myself.
Do not occupy a urinal which means that the following person is forced to stand beside another if you can possibly avoid it. e.g. if you come in and the situation is OOOOXO, you would have to be a real prat to occupy the 2nd from the left and make it OXOOXO. The next poor bugger has to stand beside someone. You chose either the furthest left or the 3rd one from the left. Hopefully that makes sense.
What happens if there are only 4? OOOO
Well, I do it when I'm wearing jeans with a button fly.

But why do you need to pull it down to your knees even?! Lowering it a couple of inches is enough!
I dont lower my pants or udoo the zip i spie through the tiny spaces in ob-sequince. as evrybody should
Everyone is taking a piss here or what?

One thing for sure is that we guys are all standing for the same thing at the urinals.
You all are the reason that in future people will have waste treatment nanobots injected into their bodies so they don't have to piss in urinals.
I'd fucking brick it if I walked in the bogs and there was a bloke stood at the urinal with his kecks and bills round his ankles.
Imagine how crazy taking a shit must be in his world.

Couching like a monkey, with feet on the seat and trousers, shirt, kecks and socks hung on the door peg.
Some weird mutha fuckers even stand up to wipe. I mean who stands up? Youre asking for shitty shirt tail. Mad, truely mad people.

Who knew the bathroom could provide such mentals.
Some weird mutha fuckers even stand up to wipe. I mean who stands up? Youre asking for shitty shirt tail. Mad, truely mad people.

Who knew the bathroom could provide such mentals.

This. I've had this argument with several people. How the hell can people wipe standing up?
Well you have to at least "half" stand up into a squatting position. Does that count as standing up?
I think you are all missing a trick here. I stand right next to the bugger and smile at the wall in front of him ..... they can't look my way without making eye-contact, it stops their flow dead, they squirm and are out of there prompt like, thereby giving me a full choice of urinals ... or I can wave it from side to side and use all at once !
Why have I had two likes in this thread today on a post I made in 2013? Not complaining, but interested.
I've just given you another one Doc.

Seriously. This this is fantastic. How is it only 2 pages long?
I've developed a fire-side psychologist's theory about boys who pull the trousers around the ankles – that they were taught how to pee standing up by their mums. No Dad would let their son whip the kecks down when pissing in a urinal. We know it's a fucking weird and frankly unnecessary thing that might lead in unfortunate circumstances to brutal buggery. Mums be like, 'oh just pull the whole lot down Frederick instead of fiddling about with that zip!'
I knew a girl who thought blokes wiped the end of their cocks with a tissue after a piss. She never knew about the shake! In her defence she didn't have any brothers.
You all are the reason that in future people will have waste treatment nanobots injected into their bodies so they don't have to piss in urinals.

I cant see how this would work, where would the nanob's put the recycled poop they would have to dump it in the sweat glands, the headwand bots would revolt. Causing deathly vapoures.
I cant see how this would work, where would the nanob's put the recycled poop they would have to dump it in the sweat glands, the headwand bots would revolt. Causing deathly vapoures.

Alternatively, everyone would have iceman powers.
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