Your first statement was that 'cnutishness' is probably a necessity for teams to be successful.
Now you're trying to row back and say that it was simply that a person being a cunt doesn't automatically mean that they can not be an asset to a team. That's fine, but it's not what you said. Here, I'll prove it, AGAIN:
Unfortunate as it may be, an element of cnutishness is probably a necessity for teams to be consistently successful
As to my point about the nature of the 'cnutishness' that you and Ryan were apparently implying was necessary, what else could it possibly be other than something that might be described as 'ruthless steel'? That's what we're talking about, isn't it? Being tough? Uncompromising? Win-at-all-costs? Or am I making wild leaps here? Does any definition of the word 'cunt' apply? Say, child molester? Corrupt politician? Obsequious toady? I think we both fucking know what you meant.
It's not as hard as you imagine. Admit you're wrong and I'll gladly drop the matter.
"Probably" means what it says. If that was what I definitely thought I'd have said so. It's a shame to see you falling victim to the tendency on here to insist that every argument be stated in extreme either/or terms. I don't always agree with you but I thought you had more about you than that.
As far as the nature of the "cnutishness" itself goes, Ryan will have to speak for himself but my post made it crystal clear that I was referring to cnutishness off the field. I did so because that was the specific basis for the posts saying their authors didn't want Cole.
Drop whatever you like, but better include that spade you keep digging with.