You mean chanted murderers
to be fair fab, everyone has their bastard fans. fair play to the club for doing this.
Phrased oddly, but I agreeI hate manu with a passion but if they asked that I remain silent for a minute to respect their LONG DEAD players I would do it. their players mean nothing to me and died long before I was born but mothers lost their sons, childen lost their fathers. it's a matter of respect and people that fuck about during a minutes silence regardless of the rivalry or irrelavence to you if you can't show respect then you're scum.
Fair play to Chelsea, club have come out with a official apologising for their fans who booed just now
I hate manu with a passion but if they asked that I remain silent for a minute to respect their LONG DEAD players I would do it. their players mean nothing to me and died long before I was born but mothers lost their sons, childen lost their fathers. it's a matter of respect and people that fuck about during a minutes silence regardless of the rivalry or irrelavence to you if you can't show respect then you're scum.
I really do think we should keep the minutes silence for Hillsborough to our own games now.
There is nothing silent about how that club remember their lost ones.... It is a fucking circus.
The only time where it was a massive deal was the big anniversary the other year, and even then it was everything I expected and not a circus at all.Eh? How is it?
I can't understand why the fuck they ask any other fans to stay silent this weekend. It's insincere, everyone knows that.
I don't even like the silences at our games. That's selfish because I simply don't like remembering the horror and I choose not to dwell -but I can't understand why the fuck they ask any other fans to stay silent this weekend. It's insincere, everyone knows that.
I don't even like the silences at our games. That's selfish because I simply don't like remembering the horror and I choose not to dwell -but I can't understand why the fuck they ask any other fans to stay silent this weekend. It's insincere, everyone knows that.
totally agree with sunny and I'm not surprised in the least the minutes silence wasn't observed by the blue scum but fair play to spurs fans for booing chelsea at the end of the 25 seconds silence.
The best way to shut up the Chelsea pondlife is to beat the fake plastic club with its fake plastic fans with their fake plastic flags on May 5th and remind that cunt Torres what he left to join that whore of a club.