WTF is this?
I don't get it.
It is supposed to be to Purslow. It compares Liverpool fans to the Khmer Rouge and claims that the majority of us were behind the ownership of H & G. Tyrell currently works for Everton.
I'm not defending its general contents, as I don't know enough about all this to comment one way or the other, but it doesn't compare *all* Liverpool supporters to the Khmer Rouge. On the contrary, it ends by saying most Liverpool fans are tired of the kind of thing it describes.
All is shows is how SOS missed the point again and again
I don't see where you get the *all* from. It does compare Liverpool fans to the Khmer Rouge. Your last point is the same as mine in that it says the majority are behind H&G.
Apropos of nowt... Rick Parry was on my train last week and he was wearing the shittest shirt I've ever seen - and I've seen some shit shirts.
The collar was about six inches thick, like a Harry Hill effort only not pointing out, it was white with huge rose petals printed on it, making it look like a ridiculous update of an elizabethan ruff, and him like a massive massive prick.