I think the reason I'm a relatively succesful gambler on football is that I tend not to agree very often with "the masses" and my "hunches" have been known to pay off.
I've said all along that I COULD be wrong about Lucas and that I hope I am. I've also said that he's a better player than he was and that I'm very happy with him in our squad. What I don't understand (yet) is the high regard in which he's held by the majority, I haven't witnessed him justifying his superstar status.
The Downing thing is just guesswork, I saw him at Middlesbro regularly and I was unimpressed BUT I did see enough to think that if he ever played in the right team and the right style of play he had enough quality to possibly become a good player.
Without making you too big headed (or should that be even more big-headed) you are right more often than not (and a lot more often than most posters on here) on your judgement on players and because there are a few such posters on here who disagree with my Lucas viewpoint I have come to terms with the fact I may be wrong about him BUT I'm not changing my mind until I can see it with my own eyes.