How is it obvious William’s is a girl? All indicators make you think she’s a female, but did anyone go down this rabbit hole? No they didn’t. It is moot now she has kids but go back 20 years ago everyone accepted she was different which gave her an advantage in her field.
Nobody has confirmed whether or not she has reproductive organs. There is lots of comments based from an IFBA statement who didn’t actually come out and say precisely what tests they performed. Isn’t it pure speculation on her chromosomes? Does the world want her to have a period in the ring to prove she’s a woman?
I would expect anyone who is committed to training to look different across a 4 year period. From what I’ve read her testosterone levels are still within the accepted range for women even though on the high side. Going back to the Williams comparison, looking at her muscle mass, I would guess she’s the same with an elevated level.