"It is a crucial fact," Riddle then noted, "that nobody has given evidence that they heard what Mr Terry said or more importantly how he said it." That lack of direct witnesses was vital.
So the case, Riddle concluded, was worthy of the forensic sobriety of an English courtroom, to look in the cold light of day into what was said, so shockingly and disappointingly, in the heat of a few seconds during a football match. The prosecution case was strong and Terry's explanation was unlikely. Riddle did, though, say he "assessed John Terry as a credible witness".
Ultimately there was not sufficient proof, Riddle judged, to decide by the standard to which all British citizens are entitled, beyond reasonable doubt, that Terry said "fucking black cunt" as an insult. "In those circumstances, there being a doubt, the only verdict the court can record is one of not guilty."