Okay, let me get this straight. You drank a whole bottle of bourbon, dialled some random numbers, fell asleep and when you woke up you discovered you'd bought Santander?
"WE," George. We had bought Santander. You didn't think I'd have left ma little buddy out of a deal like this, huh?
Er...Let's back up a bit. How did you-
You forgot about the magic beans.
I did not forget about the magic beans, Tom. I'll be coming to them later. What I first want to know is: WHY did you-
"We," George. "We."
Why did WE buy Santander?
Gee, can't you see? We now own our own goddamned BANK! We now own our own goddamned global financial superpower! I tell you, George, all of our troubles are over! These guys are the top of the crop! They even have their own goddamned TV channels!
This is Santander we're talking about, right?
What is WRONG with you, George?