Agree the last sentence. We didn't always prove it last season, but I think you're right in terms of the fundamental ability within the team.
Overall, though, what worries me is not Rafa's wish to put things right (about which I also agree) so much as his ability to do so. IMO the rigidity of his thinking has been the source of too many self-inflicted wounds already, and I get the impression that he reckons he's bound to come out on top on just about any issue if only he ploughs on regardless. Is he capable of adapting when things go wrong? Does he even realise the need for such adaptation?
Overall, though, what worries me is not Rafa's wish to put things right (about which I also agree) so much as his ability to do so. IMO the rigidity of his thinking has been the source of too many self-inflicted wounds already, and I get the impression that he reckons he's bound to come out on top on just about any issue if only he ploughs on regardless. Is he capable of adapting when things go wrong? Does he even realise the need for such adaptation?