I don't know how many different ways or times to say it, having been called a coconut, more than once I find it very offensive but I don't think it's racist when it's two people of the same race because it can mean so many different things and be said for so many different reasons.
Who this particular Powell person or whoever is, I don't know nor do I care. I logged on and read about people saying one Asian person calling another a coconut is racist; that I disagree with.
I get the argument people are making that it suggests that one thinks race is linked with behaviour and therefore that's racist. But again I disagree that's a very simplistic way of looking at things.
I remember someone once said to me, many years ago, 'I don't even think of you as Asian, you're like one of us'. I didn't know how to react at the time, but it's probably one of the most offensive things anyone has ever said to me. I am
Asian and brown and want to be seen as such. My culture and race is part of whom I am, I don't want for people to 'pretend' in white. And I don't want my race to be something that isn't allowed to contribute to who I am, because it is. Of course how it shapes people varies, so it's not for one to impose on another how it should, hence why one telling another they are a 'coconut' is unacceptable IMO.
The key distinction is understanding that whilst diversity makes us different, to me that's the very beauty of mankind, it's shouldn't be a tool for human hierarchy; and that's what I object to and always will.