Right, I ain't bitter or petty or anything, but i posted that link a good three posts before Fabio yet he gets the likes and the quotes, what the fuck is that about?!
So does anyone rate this guy highly?
I know nothing about him but I'm very suspicious of Inters motivations for letting him go at £8m
Shit happens.
Funny you should say that as I'm writing this message whilst having a banging shit.I'm more popular, and obviously smell nicer
Apparently they're poor, but i find it hard to believe they're that poor, so indeed, i share some of your concerns.
Yup................ Is this legit now??
Ha. Watch Fabio get a upsurge in likes because of 'another' Mystic post.
What can I say, I like to let others benefit on my behalf.
He has a fairly battered looking face for a 20 year old.
Because you said 4:00. It didn't appear until 4:02.Right, I ain't bitter or petty or anything, but i posted that link a good three posts before Fabio yet he gets the likes and the quotes, what the fuck is that about?!
Actually bit was Glen c who posted thatBecause you said 4:00. It didn't appear until 4:02.