"If you play in the Premier League and the World Cup and you then play in the NFL, would you then be considered one of the greatest sportsmen ever?"
This guy...
"If you play in the Premier League and the World Cup and you then play in the NFL, would you then be considered one of the greatest sportsmen ever?"
This guy...
I don't support England or follow international football but I do still find it amusing that England probably would have got to the WC Final if he'd squared that ball to Sterling when they were 2 on 1 with the keeper. If it were the other way around the press would have crucified Raheem.
Back to the NFL point - i don't think his chin would fit in a helmet.
Why do kickers need to wear a helmet anyway? I've always wondered about that.
It’s not even a comparison.
This game is way too complicated. I mean, we complain about the interpretation of the offside or handball rules, but this is whole other level.