As for bad predictions, I get most signings wrong, a gift of mine you could say, my worst was without doubt Mark Gonzalez. I was grade A fanboy material for that cunt, I thought he had everything to be the next damn Robben. I remember back in the KopTalk days, I wasn't a gold member (or whatever the fuck it was called) but I made a passionate post in the peasant section about how fantastic I thought Mark Gonzalez was, and how I thought he was going to lead the club to glory. Being the charitable and honourable gentleman that Dunk is, he PM'd me a link to some gold member only "KopTalk exclusive Mark Gonzalez training video" and said I could have this one for free as I was such a big fan. I must have watched that three minute video twenty times in a row, and I was so in awe of that Chilean bellend who couldn't even outrun Richard Dunne, that I was convinced he was going to put Barnes to shame, Christ how wrong I was. Fuck me, what a cringeworthy episode that was.