Yeah, it was a good post but was completely naive and one dimensional without an equally good reply from refugee. I don't think Vlad was ever against people debating, disagreeing or being critical of some decisions; on the contrary he was in favour of it. What has become an obsession with so many "members" on here now is to slam the manager rather than criticise his decisions. Kenny, of course, has done more for this club than anyone on this board ever has or ever will. Kenny, of course, loves this club more than anyone on this board ever has or ever will.
That doesn't make him perfect but it should afford him some respect. The fact that so many people have been utterly incapable of expressing themselves while still demonstrating respect for a legend has been the sad part and a blight on this forum. Where it was, originally, a place for debate - robust at times - it now degenerates into an excuse for insults, threats and personal issues. The actual issues now get ignored, swamped in the rush of posters eager to attack the manager or the person rather than the issues; it's like they actually think this will somehow make a name for themselves or something.
I hope Vlad starts posting regularly again and just lets the rubbish posters and their ignorant bilge simply run off his back. Their hardly worth listening to let alone being upset by.