Really? It seems most are happy to critisise regardless.
Okay. It's embarrassing for a club with our level of funds have a £20M player who is unable to make the bench.
Really? It seems most are happy to critisise regardless.
Okay. It's embarrassing for a club with our level of funds have a £20M player who is unable to make the bench.
Very definitely I'd say.Regardless of where you wish to place the blame, this is a shambles all around.
Is Ibe better?
Okay. It's embarrassing for a club with our level of funds have a £20M player who is unable to make the bench.
He hasn't scored as many.Regardless of where you wish to place the blame, this is a shambles all around.
Is Ibe better?
Regardless of where you wish to place the blame, this is a shambles all around.
Is Ibe better?
We never saw what made him so highly valued, unfortunately. The fact that Chelsea had fancied him for quite a while suggests there was a player there, but we had little evidence of it. He didn't seem to have the confidence to take people on or try and do the unpredictable things that unlock opponents' defences. Let hope he finds his mojo in Turkey.
Very definitely I'd say.
Genk or Lille.Where's Origi gonna end up next year?
Agger afslører: Tomme ord fra Rodgers var grunden til afsked
Daniel Agger fortæller, at han ikke var sikker på, hvorvidt Brendan Rodgers blot kom med tomme løfter, inden han i sommer skiftede til Brøndby
Da Daniel Agger i sommer vendte hjem til Brøndby fra Liverpool, var det med den forklaring, at han og Brendan Rodgers ikke altid var enige om, hvordan tingene skulle udlægges.
Nu fortæller den danske landsholdsanfører imidlertid sin side af sagen i et stort interview i Euroman. Det skriver Danmarks Radio.
Agger blev i 2013-2014-sæsonen udråbt til at vice-anfører, og beskeden fra Rodgers var, at man ville bygge holdet op om danskeren, hvorfor han valgte at takke nej til at tilbud fra FC Barcelona.
Se også: Liverpool-manager: Forstår hvorfor Agger vil hjem
Men som sæsonen gik i gang, viste det sig, at det snarere skulle være franske Mamadou Sakho, der skulle blive makker til Martin Skrtel i midterforsvaret.
Og da Liverpool mødte konkurrenterne Manchester City i topkampen palmesøndag sidste år, var det uden Agger.
- Den dag var der ingen vej tilbage. Jeg blev nødt til at komme væk, siger Daniel Agger til det næste nummer af Euroman, der udkommer torsdag.
Se også: Liverpool-fans: Vi savner Agger
Agger havde ellers spillet fast og godt i en periode op til kampen, men runden inden måtte danskeren sidde over med et skadet knæ.
- Lægen og fysioterapeuten sagde, at jeg under ingen omstændigheder måtte spille kampen mod West Ham, og jeg sagde, at jeg ville spille, for jeg ville ikke give manageren mulighed for at sætte mig af til den store kamp mod Manchester City ugen efter. Aftalen blev, at lægen og fysioterapeuten gav manageren besked, og meldingen tilbage var, at jeg skulle stå over mod West Ham, så jeg var helt klar til City-kampen, fortæller Agger til Euroman.
Se også: Gerrard taler ud: Rodgers drev mig væk
Men det blev som bekendt Sakho, der tog Aggers plads mod City, og det huede bestemt ikke danskeren. Men først da træningen til næste sæson gik i gang, konfronterede Agger den nordirske manager.
- Jeg gik bare ind og sagde: 'Hør her, jeg mener ikke, at du har behandlet mig ordentligt', fortæller Agger til Euroman.
- Han tog imod og virkede interesseret. Han vendte så tilbage og sagde, at han gerne ville beholde mig, og at han havde brug for mig næste år. Det var første gang, vi kommunikerede ordentligt i et års tid. Vi havde sgu en rigtig god dialog, men jeg vidste ikke rigtig, om det var spil for galleriet. Jeg følte, at de ord var lidt tomme i forhold til, hvad der var sket sæsonen inden, så jeg bed ikke på, fortæller Agger.[/
Not quite...before the season kicked off, therefore based on previous seasons, I said I'd pick a fit and on form Lallana ahead of Coutinho. Coutinho has been very good so far (I think, without checking, I've had him in my top 3 MOTM for all 3 games). If I was making the call now then Coutinho would get the nod absolutely. I'm happy to judge players on form and if that means I change my mind over time, fair enough.You also think Lallana is better than Coutinho and should take his place in the team.
What is our level of funds though? We're consistently one of the bigger spenders in Europe, yet people still seem keen to paint us as small time. We're not up there with City and Chelsea but we're not far off in terms of spending, even if we do self impose a fairly modest wage structure. I agree we shouldn't be wasting money to that level though.
Unless you have an elite budget then you are going to have to take chances in the market. This is where we are. As many of the signings the club makes are welcomed as complained about initially, some work, some don't. We can criticise because we don't have responsibility and have the benefit of hindsight.
The player market we're in is always going to be 50/50 until our revenues are much larger. We've tried moneyball, directors of football, committees, manager's pick etc etc. It's not as if we've been stubborn with our approach.
Markovich was seen by all the professionals as a winner, we knew little or nothing until we'd seen him for some time, our opinion is coloured by experience in the League, the club have to gamble he's going to click beforehand. Not an exact science.
And it was universally agreed we wasted the money then tooLike we never paid for and misused players under Rafa and Houllier. Errr Biscan, Litmanen, Cheyrou, Le Tallec, Keane, etc
And it was universally agreed we wasted the money then too
Whether it's under Rodgers or in the past, in the current climate we CANNOT afford to waste a decent size of our transfer budget every year
Yeah I know this, I was just saying it's not like it's a new fad, Dantes suggested that we never did this under previous managers. Which is completely wrong. I could name a shit load more.
Yes that wasn't my suggestion. My suggestion is that we are identifying good players now, young, fast, tall, intelligent. So there is no need to slate the scouts. Unlike in the past.
The problem is managing them. Which was also a problem in the past but more often hidden by the fact that Houllier and Benitez had an obsession with buying utterly shit players who could never have worked no matter how well they were managed.
It's not that cut and dried though, you could watch Markovic and see there's talent there, but he's also lightweight and not too subtle in his approach play. People said he was a playmaker, I've not seen much in the way of an insightful pass, he couldn't take players on - he hit the ball and chased it. You win some you lose some. People said we mistreated him, we looked at his best traits and tried to utilise them, ie playing deeper meant he could drive at teams more, he liked to build up his speed over a few yards and that's where he was most effective. It worked for a while until he got found out defensively and offensively. It's not like we didn't try, when he played in his so called favoured positions he struggled.
He will have learned from that, then send him to the gym over the summer and you have an improvement. Instead we've discarded him and will follow the same process with Origi. That's not management or progress. Its making the same mistake over and over again.