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Liverpool vs West Ham - Match Thread

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Nah. They weren't unlucky though they played well. I'm never quite sure what match people saw when just because a team is a plucky loser they think they were actually unlucky or they deserved more than they got.

70-30% Possession
25 (7) to 7 (4) shots
16 - 8 corners

Not unlucky. Unless of course you meant our failure to score more.

They're not going to go toe to toe with us,though, are they?

They defended well, caused us a lot of problems, and their keeper let in a howler and could've done better on another. They came with a plan and very nearly got 3 points out of it.

That said, we were good once Keita went off and we went 2-1 down. But we were poor by our standards, and West Ham played their best game for a while. But still, we were too strong.
Firmino is too anonymous though.
And the two others up front were also not really in the game.
You could see it in the pressing, we were a bit one at the time, the team cohesion is lacking both when defending and when attacking.
Firmino is too anonymous though.
And the two others up front were also not really in the game.
You could see it in the pressing, we were a bit one at the time, the team cohesion is lacking both when defending and when attacking.
I know what you mean.. there seems to be a bit too much fuckery going on.
Glad we won - the team never fails to impress but I feel we need a chip on our shoulder or something as I just feel we've been off the last few weeks

100% agree. We need to play "angry" football again.

Right now, the players AND crowd are coasting.

We're not going to do this Invincibles thing because it's the time of the season where every team is fighting for survival. And we only win games by the odd goal, when we match them with our own hunger.

But now the title is all but wrapped up, I can't see that happening. We're trying to win games with minimal effort. We're not that sort of team.

And especially when Matip, Lallana, Origi, Keita, Shaqiri and Minamino are all playing and starting games, we won't be turning results around like today.
Dunno, they base the points off trophies won during a certain period.
Even if the current team win all three remaining competitions they " only" reach 21 points. Obviously they have another year to worth of trophies to add to the total.
Saw the whole episode and their scoring basis, the european/cl cup had the highest score then the league. The final conclusions is that if Man City go onto at least get a CL win they would be part of that list, but they are talking about a team to be great if there is consistency for at least 3 seasons. The sad part of the discussion came near the end where Carragher mentioned about his time with Gerard on never winning a trophy because the Liverpool of then was up against the best ever United/Chelsea/Arsenal managers - it fucked any attempt. What was interesting was that Gary Neville mentioned how hard he found it against facing Jose's team, and the likes of us under Houllier, and Rafa. Contrast with Carragher who said he found it very difficult against the Arsenal's best team.

It is so unreal that one of the best players in world football in Steven Gerard over a period of 10 years never won a league title, and was never part of any of these great teams. Just so sad.
We hates the Kloppses! We hates it foreverrrrrrrrrrrr! Unlucky Gollum, here's some fucking RAAAAAAATTTIIIIIIIINNNNGS (my preciousssss)!

Never in doubt, lad! Although it did seem to be rather hard work. West Ham contributed, with a busy midfield and energetic defence, but we also made things difficult for ourselves with a few players dropping below their usual levels, and some really wayward final balls and shots. For all the possession and chances we had, let's not forget that two of our goals were down to really awful goalkeeping, so we WERE a bit lucky.

Alisson (6) Won't be too chuffed with the opening goal, which was very close to him and he could have done better. Made amends by stopping a great chance for a third West Ham goal, keeping out new signing Jarrod Bowen's dinked effort with his giant beardy face.

TAA (8) Created chance after chance after chance. Set up two and will have been disappointed that a couple more weren't finished off. Some of his deliveries into the area were so evil that they had a sulphurous trail and cackled on the way in. Maybe that's why nobody went near them.

Gomez (4) This wasn't a good night for Gomez. He was often second-best and seemed nervy, which allowed West Ham to cause mayhem when they attacked and had set-pieces. Poorly positioned for both goals.

Virgil (6) Was stretched a bit more than usual, partly due to Antonio's galloping runs and also Gomez not at his usual level. More like his usual self after the break and made some important headed clearances, and also went close at the other end, just clipping the top of the crossbar.

Robertson (7) Furious work-rate and eagerness to help out in attack, he was always looking for the ball and overlapping. Got more joy in the second half and set up the equaliser with a lovely ball fizzed into Salah. Good battle with Snodgrass, which got tasty on occasion.

Fabinho (5) Another slightly lacklustre display at times, especially in possession, with a few horrible passes that just invited pressure. After a rather passive first half, he was better in the second 45, made some good interceptions and exerted a bit more control and authority. But without Henderson he looked a bit isolated once again, and was asked to do too much in terms of covering; he was bypassed a few times and had his hands full with Rice and Noble buzzing around him and the midfield runners going at him.

Wijnaldum (6) Scored a scruffy opener, but then totally disappeared for the rest of the first half, with "peripheral" being a polite description. Took on more responsibility in the second half, and was more prominent in attack, as we tried to get a bit of momentum going.

Keita (3) Saw a fair amount of the ball, and was quite involved for the first 10-15 minutes, but still way too tentative, popping the ball off, but then not really looking as if he wanted it back. And then he just stopped playing really and did fuck all, before Klopp made the very obvious and easy decision to hook him for Chamberlain, who will be starting ahead of Keita from now on. Dreadful. Get fucking rid of this insipid shithouse in summer please. Makes Vladimir Smicer look like Steven Gerrard.

Salah (6) Saw a lot of the ball and was a willing runner as usual, but his passing was awry and he only really crafted one decent chance, which was well saved. But as ever with Salah, time passes and eventually he scores. Yeah, it was a shocking mistake from Flappyhandski, but who cares? Not Mo.

Mane (7) A picture of frustration in a first half of misplaced passes and wasted runs, he ran riot in the second, wreaking havoc with his constant darting, sniping movement, before getting a well deserved winning goal. Again.

Firmino (5) Pretty quiet really, he dropped deeper and deeper until he was on the halfway line, but given his profligacy in front of goal that was arguably the best place for him. Great tackling and tracking back, missed a couple of chances, didn't look like scoring.


Chamberlain (6) Replaced the hapless Keita and suddenly we started playing. One cross was so good I thought it was by TAA, had one decent shot and made it very clear why he should not be starting on the bench again.
Although we see flashes of inspiration from Keita which makes us hope that he is going to come good, I am beginning to feel that he is just not suited to the Premier League. To me, he seems to expect more time on the ball than he is ever going to get.
Although we see flashes of inspiration from Keita which makes us hope that he is going to come good, I am beginning to feel that he is just not suited to the Premier League. To me, he seems to expect more time on the ball than he is ever going to get.

Keita was dogshit against West Ham 12 months ago too, and he again seemed bemused and amazed whenever Declan Rice knocked him over.
Keita is the most frustrating player in the squad.

He has shown that he has the ability and quality to be in the team with previous solid performances, but his career is so stop and start.
Although we see flashes of inspiration from Keita which makes us hope that he is going to come good, I am beginning to feel that he is just not suited to the Premier League. To me, he seems to expect more time on the ball than he is ever going to get.
Yes I really can't see what the issue could be (other than multiple niggling injuries). The Bundesliga is the closest league out there to the PL so adaptation shouldn't be too much of an issue and he has technical skills galore which he has demonstrated.

Is it to do with the position/duties Klopp is asking of him ? Is it to do with language and adapting to life in the UK ? Pretty frustrating that a player of his obvious quality is not coming up to the levels expected.
There was a lot of hate rightly directed at Keita, but we improved when he went off.

In all honesty, the best player by far was TAA, and the finishing skills of Mane and Salah rescued us again.

We dominated, but were too sloppy and wasteful, and didn't defend the corners well enough. Fabinho and Firmino were mediocre aswell.

Every play has a bad game, and he was having one and needed to be taken off; but he has more good nights than bad so the so called "hate" is not really justified in my books.
100% agree. We need to play "angry" football again.

Right now, the players AND crowd are coasting.

We're not going to do this Invincibles thing because it's the time of the season where every team is fighting for survival. And we only win games by the odd goal, when we match them with our own hunger.

But now the title is all but wrapped up, I can't see that happening. We're trying to win games with minimal effort. We're not that sort of team.

And especially when Matip, Lallana, Origi, Keita, Shaqiri and Minamino are all playing and starting games, we won't be turning results around like today.

Never a truer word was spoken, or atleast typed 😉
I was pretty sure we'd get beat yesterday. Just had that feel about it, we haven't got going again since the break, everyone looks knackered, the urgency is gone, it's about our millionth game this season, so I'd argue that winning a match that we were getting beaten in with 20 mins to go while we were playing like shit says quite a bit about how resilient and just plain boss we still are.
I was pretty sure we'd get beat yesterday. Just had that feel about it, we haven't got going again since the break, everyone looks knackered, the urgency is gone, it's about our millionth game this season, so I'd argue that winning a match that we were getting beaten in with 20 mins to go while we were playing like shit says quite a bit about how resilient and just plain boss we still are.

I disagree with the whole "we look knackered" thing.

For me, yesterday showed when we went a goal down, that the boys aren't actually knackered. They're just playing in cruise mode right now. When we had to put our foot down and inject energy into the side, we were able to. All of a sudden, Trent and Robbo were running forward quickly again aggressively and not just jogging into position.

Like i said, I think we are just playing too slow and too patient right now. We're looking to control games and win them with minimal effort.
Maybe lethargic, or drained then. They were crap against athletico madrid, not for lack of effort, just out of ideas. I'd say that if you look at our last two seasons and the intensity of it all you can hardly blame them, but it does appear that way to me. Hope last night snaps them out of it.
We were largely unlucky during most of the game. Second balls always bouncing away from us, passes being a yard short etc.
It was just one of those games.
Somewhere between unlucky and just bollocks for large parts of the game , it's not like we didn't create chances or anything we were still dominant in that respect

Can't work out if keita was knackered or just couldn't be bothered.

Refreshing to see a midfielder come on , as Ox did and change the course of the match , great performance from him
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