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Liverpool.. a view from a Chelsea Fan

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I'm not arsed about the interview thing or the blog to be honest mate I think it's funny when people see their arse over things football related but when you're an undoubtedly intelligent person (which he is obviously to be in the job he's in) then to put yourself in a position of risk over inconsequential shite is a bit naive isn't it ? There's hundreds of thousands of people who have dickhead views. Some feel the need to bleat about them to fill some attention deficiency or void in their lives and some don't. He should have known the more you bang on about stupid shit whether in humour or not then sooner or later someone is gonna take offence to it and set out to call you out. The fact is, no matter the intention of a statement, people will form their own opinion of it and act upon it. Like what happened with you. The difference is you're not accountable to anyone apart from your customers I guess. He was and once the internet warriors sought to expose him he left his employers with little choice. And why ? All that shit in his life now just because he couldn't quell the need to get all shouty about shit he didn't like. I agree him losing his job is OTT but the louder you shout the more likely people will pick up on it and, when you're in a high profile position, then people will make even more of an issue of it. So he and his mates can bemoan the internet campaigning bellends for his current professional malaise but the fact remains if he hadn't have acted a bit of a dick and gone over the top more than once then he'd still be sitting pretty in his massively well paid job right now. Actions and words have consequences whether those consequences are deserved or not.

Yeah, but I feel bad for him.

Poor The Clive.
I've seen people saying that it wasn't the rant that got him sacked but those blogs... They mightn't have been very funny but they were supposed to be satire... and because of that he didn't try to hide them. I mean he'd post a link to some seminar he'd been talking at and then post a link to one of his chelsea blogs, so his bosses and colleagues were reading all of that stuff before he lost his rag outside the ground. It wasn't like he was hiding any of that stuff, because it was all supposed to be a bit of a laugh.

So if it was the rant... then it's a real lesson to anyone who has a camera thrown in front of them when you've just been beaten. Smile. Breath in the through the nose, out through the mouth. Say how much you enjoyed the entertainment the world deigned to provide and how you must now dash back to your boring little passionless apolitical life.

Or maybe walk away from the camera and go and call scousers all the cunts you like in the privacy of the alehouse with your mates. That way everyone will probably laugh along with you and not seek out to make your life difficult.
Yeah, but I feel bad for him.

Poor The Clive.

I reckon he'll be fine with his CV in a month or so when the smoke has blown away and everyones forgotten about it. I also reckon he won't be as bloggy in the future though. I wonder how the internet will survive without him ?
Exactly. We've all called Chelsea cunts & London a rats piss soaked hellhole, but not on camera.

Doing it publicly & calling attention to himself left his employers little, of any choice in the matter.
Or maybe walk away from the camera and go and call scousers all the cunts you like in the privacy of the alehouse with your mates. That way everyone will probably laugh along with you and not seek out to make your life difficult.

yeah I know it's his own fault and he's let his ego get the better of him. But he's probably had a few pints... I'd sent him a tweet on the final whistle with the intention of winding him up... and you're completely right, he shoulda walked on and gone the pub... but to be publicly shamed and sacked for the sake of getting it wrong... I got total sympathy with him.
Exactly. We've all called Chelsea cunts & London a rats piss soaked hellhole, but not on camera.

Doing it publicly & calling attention to himself left his employers little, of any choice in the matter.

Indeed. And it doesn't matter whether we think the people who sought to fuck his life up are overly sensitive or enthusiastic dicks or not because they're always be someone who'll take offence at things. Personally I'm really not arsed what fans of other clubs think about us. I expect them to hate us. Everyone hates everyone in footy when it comes to fans on social media. In fact everyone hates everyone on the internet
I reckon he'll be fine with his CV in a month or so when the smoke has blown away and everyones forgotten about it. I also reckon he won't be as bloggy in the future though. I wonder how the internet will survive without him ?

I dunno. You google him now, top link you see him shouting. Every other link is daily mail, huffington post, evening standard... that's gonna be hard to put right.

There is a service that some firm offers. They get you to do a load of charity work and SEO you to death to get your fuck ups off the front page, but it costs a hundred grand and takes months. It was in John Ronson's latest book, about public shaming.

He'll probs be ok with contract work for a while anyways. I noticed that he fucked off to the states on Nov 1st, he was tweeting virgin atlantic about the delays. Maybe it was to meet the boss.
I dunno. You google him now, top link you see him shouting. Every other link is daily mail, huffington post, evening standard... that's gonna be hard to put right.

There is a service that some firm offers. They get you to do a load of charity work and SEO you to death to get your fuck ups off the front page, but it costs a hundred grand and takes months. It was in John Ronson's latest book, about public shaming.

He'll probs be ok with contract work for a while anyways. I noticed that he fucked off to the states on Nov 1st, he was tweeting virgin atlantic about the delays. Maybe it was to meet the boss.

Meh. Nothing a name change by deed poll and facial reconstruction surgery can't fix.
Is it a London thing, this bleak and bitter obsession with other clubs? One of the many things that pisses me off about Arsenal is that their fans spend the whole match singing songs about the opposition. You seldom hear them singing about their own club. And it's similar with other London clubs. They have banners about other teams, songs about other teams, chants about other teams - and hardly any about their own. Maybe I just notice it more with them, but it's like entering some sort of bizarro world. It doesn't help that Londoners seem to have the least wit of any region, so they think that 'sign on' song is the most HILARIOUS thing anyone's ever sung.
Do they? I honestly don't watch them enough to hear, but they surely spend most of the time singing about their own club. The gooners do it non-stop. It's as if they don't know their team's out there.
I have noticed the Mancs sing about us more than the Gooners.
They are still singing the Stevie G song, both of them.
OK... I have word from the front.

He's indignant with the motherfuckers who have hung him out to dry. He's had one week off in 27 months building their shit for them... he can't stand them, and he's well happy to have some time and space to himself.
I missed most of this as I've been fanning my balls and ordering pizza for the last two days. It's a great read though and worthy of the vault. @Woland has aced this btw. There was even references to KT. Pizza is on me. PM me and I'll send it over 🙂
Fair play to you for standing up for him then. It wouldn't have bothered me particularly if he'd kept his job, but I don't think the decision to fire him for such a major lapse of judgment is unreasonable.

It's not a decision I would make. Most professional people on twitter will have a preamble saying "views expressed are my own, and do not reflect the company blah blah" and that covers them. It's very dodgy to fire someone because of their views, a public body could never get away with that because of Human Rights.

He could probably win an employment tribunal because even without such a preamble, the video had no reference to his name, job or employer so nobody can reasonably accuse him of harming the firm's reputation. He could also probably find some equivalent right in employment law to his public law human rights. He should sue them, there's no costs in a tribunal and he can represent himself. He'll never work again, but to be honest who will touch him now away.
It's not a decision I would make. Most professional people on twitter will have a preamble saying "views expressed are my own, and do not reflect the company blah blah" and that covers them. It's very dodgy to fire someone because of their views, a public body could never get away with that because of Human Rights.

He could probably win an employment tribunal because even without such a preamble, the video had no reference to his name, job or employer so nobody can reasonably accuse him of harming the firm's reputation. He could also probably find some equivalent right in employment law to his public law human rights. He should sue them, there's no costs in a tribunal and he can represent himself. He'll never work again, but to be honest who will touch him now away.

Suing a Litigation-focused practice with 250 lawyers is never a good idea....
It's not a decision I would make. Most professional people on twitter will have a preamble saying "views expressed are my own, and do not reflect the company blah blah" and that covers them. It's very dodgy to fire someone because of their views, a public body could never get away with that because of Human Rights.

He could probably win an employment tribunal because even without such a preamble, the video had no reference to his name, job or employer so nobody can reasonably accuse him of harming the firm's reputation. He could also probably find some equivalent right in employment law to his public law human rights. He should sue them, there's no costs in a tribunal and he can represent himself. He'll never work again, but to be honest who will touch him now away.

I don't agree with the bolded bit. The video itself wouldn't have to contain such references if his identity were known anyway, as it clearly was.
I've known him off twitter for ages. I mean I know that article looks a bit whatever but he's usually alright. He takes being called a rent boy cunt quite well and I've bombarded him with abuse over the years and it's all been taken well. In fact I think I might have sent him over the edge on the final whistle the other day with a tweet. Here it is:

Anyways people calling for his job and shit need to get over themselves.

Oh, here's another a bit later on. Poor lad.

Hey @Woland what happened to your twitter account - get banned for something?
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