As long as there's photos of you dressed as something incredibly embarrassing tied to a lamppost in times square uploaded sharpish I'll be happy.
Ha. My dad's coming so I'm kinda hoping that bails me out of some badness.
Forlorn hope really.
As long as there's photos of you dressed as something incredibly embarrassing tied to a lamppost in times square uploaded sharpish I'll be happy.
Hahahaha. I bet you've employed a fashion adviser who can liase with her dressmaker to ensure the compliment each other.
(a) Caution Offences
Referees must submit a report to The Association by 12 noon on the day following a match
stating the offences and giving a description of the incidents.
(b) Sending Off Offences
Referees and Assistant Referees must submit a report to The Association by 12 noon on
the day following a match stating the offence(s) and giving a description of the incident(s).
(c) If a referee omits to show the appropriate card when taking action against a player, this
does not nullify the caution or sending off offence. However, the attention of the Referee
should be drawn to the correct procedure.
The FA, in all its activities, will not discriminate, or in any way treat anyone less favourably, on
grounds of age, gender, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, marital status, race, nationality,
ethnic origin, colour, religion or belief, ability or disability.
So, does anyone know if we've appealed yet?
Am pressing F5 on my keyboard like a loon on the offal awaiting some sort of club statement.
It's a long standing issueWhy did Sunny Delete himself..?
Was it Ross's fault and his trolling?
Did you miss Dantes legal advice earlier? That's usually when I know.
Did my in invite to your stag get lost in the post or something?
So, the referee reported to the FA that he gave a yellow card to Defoe for biting. Dantes will happily bet his candy ass that the FA drew his attention to fuck all. So, the FA need to have a reason why Defoe was thought to be worthy of a yellow card, whilst Saurez was worthy of rape. If there is no explanation given, then we provide one for them as follows.
This thread is turning into a fucking embarrassment. We are all friends here.
Grow up.
It seems like we're not going to appeal. Gutted.
It seems like we're not going to appeal. Gutted.
bbc reporting there is no appealWe will appeal, hold your horses.
The statement we will produce will have to go through a legal check with a fine toothed comb