The mass email worked! Received this message this morning. All is well!
Hi everyone
This is Judge Jules’ sister. Panic ye not, but as well as updating CT, I thought it might be helpful to ensure everyone know why he’s not been on line anywhere for a week or two.
Quite simple really, his computer has died! JJ doesn't use a smartphone or laptop (quite right too, I wish I didn't!), so his desktop PC is his internet lifeline. Fingers crossed, a local repair chap believes it's only the power supply which needs replacing - he finds out today I believe. In which case he'll be back on line re forums, email and the dreaded Bookface within the next 24 hours or so. If it's anything more long-term and he needs to buy a new PC, I'll be in touch again to let you all know.
In the meantime, I'm happy to pass on any messages, or you can still reach him by phone if you need to. Any other queries, just let me know. I'll also put his absence on his FB page now I come to think of it!
Best regards to all
JJ’s sister.