I'm looking round this thread where people are supposedly running "around like a mad woman pissing" and I don't see it sorry so I'm assuming you're being hyperbolic here for added effect.
Anwyay - onto the progress piece. I'm not seeing it yet. I'm seeing certain ideals as you say being instilled in the way were trying to play football and yes there's certainly some encouraging signs with regards some of the players - some bought, some inherited from past regimes. I don't think we're making progress yet but that's not going to happen overnight. There's little consistency in performances, we still appear short of goals and results are not going our way in the slightest. So we may not see progress for months but, you never know, we may see it far sooner. I really do hope so. The problem is the damage that occurs between now and when the point of progress begins. If it carries on it's current projected route it's going to be painful and impatience will creep in quickly. I heard lads talking in the pub post game about how "he'll be gone by Christmas". I mean, that's acting like a pissing mad woman but it's the environment football exists in now unfortunately. Too many pissed drenched geriatrics about.
Well maybe I should have said on the site since the Arsenal match ... but that was too long-winded 😉
There have been a couple of matches where the type of play Rodgers wants has been visible to all, City and even parts of the matches against Hearts and Arsenal, and in the match threads and afterwards people were excited by this style of play, however obviously this isn't going to be sustainable, with changing personnel for each game, until it becomes ingrained, habit, in all of the players. Under pressure or when frustration breaks through then players will revert, that's where perseverance and patience play their parts. I hope FSG mean what they say about relative failure this season not being a make or break for Rodgers because I like his vision but believe it will take a couple of seasons to bear ripe fruit.