You are right. We looked desperately for owners who could sell our soul to the devil, and the sad fact was that the devil was the first american owner we had.... Right now I am a bit empty. I thought for a long time that we were actually different. I know other and younger fans thinks different. My son has for the whole spring said he wanted Kenny out and he is 18 now. "why should I care about things happening before my birth??" Well... those things made us different, and I will give him credit for stating "To me and my genreation Rafa made us look different, bring him back!". Life is dynamic, and football have been extremely commercial for the last few years. It is all about quick satisfaction, and instant success... History, pride, passion.. Forget it.. People yell for the head after a few losses. I might be an old fart but I am getting very anoyed by the fact that King Kenny has rudely been sacked by some fucking arseholes in Boston (BOSTON!!!), and people on here are already creaming themselves on the tought that Paul Lambert, Roberto Martinez or if we are extremely lucky Andre Villas Boas is coming to town.... Yippi. Andre Villas Boas will save us!! Fucking hell people.... is this the true face of Liverpool FC?