If there's any Justice in the World? Lemar to be our Man?

So they flew out there yesterday, thought fuck the medical let's do some duty free shopping, flew back, drank all the cheap vodka, woke up this afternoon and decided, hey, let's do that medical after all


Of course they're on standby... the same way we've been standing by with our c*cks in our hands all week.
It doesn't mean anything is going to happen though.

Though I noticed the club is being cheap and refusing to fly the meds over to Camembert land until the very last minute....
Everyone knows camembert and that's why it's grossly overvalued. Not saying it's not good, but you could get two livarots, that's monaieboule.
Whoever's in change of negotiations on Monaco's side, after the offers we've made, how dairy turn us down.
I can't think of any puns cos I can only think of four cheeses (cheddar, edam, camembert & brie) & they've all been named.

I'm very English when it comes to cheese. I like cheddar, extra mature. Oh, mozzarella too, for pizza, I forgot about that.

*starts thinking of a mozzarella pun*
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