Hi pop pickers


Not a Bot....
I'm sorry I've not been around for a while. I know some other chaps took over.. I don't know where it is at or what the plans are. It'seems this place well.. just continues to exsist against all odds

For those trying to contact me, I'm no longer available on my old email due to it being hacked a few weeks ago.. Yup this cyber security dude went and got hacked.. secure gmail account. Turned out to be not so secure..

Chances of getting it back.. Zilch . Been properly circumvented..

So the last 2 weeks its been a proper ball ache to sort my life out..

When is this place due for renewal..?
I'm currently creating a discord server, with forums and shit, to replace this place.. However I need some dudes to help design the place, get the rules and regulations in.

Discord has come a long way since this idea was mooted a few years back . Interested?. Let me know what you think..

It will have discussion forums. Match day channels.. all your usual discord gizmos.. I don't plan on it being a dis organised chat frenzy (except match day channels) hence the discussion forum route

Either way.. if this current site is not properly maintained. It probably has to go..

Its way way way out of date..
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