Joining Spurs and having his medical.
Sigurdsson is apparently(yes, apparently) looking £45,000 a week, Henderson is on £60,000 a week. #justsaying#
You could at least explain your statement. In what way was he 'shit'? How many games did you go to home and away to make that judgement?.
Well, I would have been to less home and away games than you, so evidently my opinion is pretty worthless in that case.
I give in. You win. Superfan.
You finally got something right. Congratulations.
God this thread is embarrassing.
Page after page of "fuck him" because he's considering a good London-based team that finished 4th. Yeah, what an absolute cock!
Time to lock this thread where is Roybrendo?And he's a Manc, no less!
God this thread is embarrassing.
Page after page of "fuck him" because he's considering a good London-based team that finished 4th. Yeah, what an absolute cock!
fair enough if he wants to join spurs but i'd be interested (well only slightly ) on why exactly . Will he have more chance of getting game time ? Does he know who the manager is and if that manager is truly happy to have him as part of his plans ? Does he believe that long term they will be a bigger force in the game than liverpool ? Does he just prefer the location ? Or is this about money ?
Hmm i wonder !
Haha, so true. He'll also be paid more.
He may well have enjoyed his time with Rodgers, but at the very least Spurs are every bit as good an option as we are. I reckon they're even better.
Twice you went with the 'how many games do you go to?' line.
It's a line for pure cunts. Well done.
The only thing that's embarrassing is 35 pages of talk about some player no-one had heard of 6 months ago. And people like you guys thinking Spurs is a better option than us. I despair.
if i didnt support liverpool id probably rather join spurs
Especially if I was a Manc fan.Agreed
if i didnt support liverpool id probably rather join spurs
if i didnt support liverpool id probably rather join spurs
Im at the stage where i don't care. IF they don't want to come to us, ah well, their loss.I dont think anyone is suggesting choosing Spurs over Liverpool is a massive detraction. I think the point is it looks like the lad has done it because of money and money alone.
So all the posters queing up to say its ridiculous to want him to 'get fucked' are not very good at reading.
NononononononnonononoFabio has caught the modoitis bug.
Here's hoping.Nononononononnononono
i'm not getting frustrated with our lack of activity. I'd rather players want to play for us rather than play for the almighty euro.
We'll get players and they'll be full on committed and mega