Hold off on the fisting Dmishra...
Anthony @RedAnt__
At least @tancredipalmeri replys, @BenSmithBBC never does..Back up why you say no negotiations please Ben,differing reports,different places
19m JonTask JonTask @jontask
@RedAnt__ @tancredipalmeri @bensmithbbc 100% correct there. Speak up Ben or forever hold your tweets.
7m Ben Smith Ben Smith @BenSmithBBC
@jontask @redant__ interest is one thing, not denying that. 'In talks now' is something else. Devil in the detail boys. Keep up.
1m Anthony Anthony @RedAnt__
@BenSmithBBC @jontask Yessss he bit! Thanks for the reply! Haha, Well I think Lfc have shown interest,& will bid this week
Anthony @RedAnt__
At least @tancredipalmeri replys, @BenSmithBBC never does..Back up why you say no negotiations please Ben,differing reports,different places
19m JonTask JonTask @jontask
@RedAnt__ @tancredipalmeri @bensmithbbc 100% correct there. Speak up Ben or forever hold your tweets.
7m Ben Smith Ben Smith @BenSmithBBC
@jontask @redant__ interest is one thing, not denying that. 'In talks now' is something else. Devil in the detail boys. Keep up.
1m Anthony Anthony @RedAnt__
@BenSmithBBC @jontask Yessss he bit! Thanks for the reply! Haha, Well I think Lfc have shown interest,& will bid this week