I think Johnny Foreigner has it all wrong, many are now they are suggesting we are winging out of sour grapes for not getting the WC, they don't believe that for one minute they want any dissenting FA's to lose all credibility and be brought into line, it's the first time for several decades the FA have grown themselves some bollocks and they should not let it rest, it's a pity some of the other federations other than Scotland did not have the guts.
Tim Vicary was on Talk Shite before saying they all have long memories of being fucked over by Sir Stanley Rous in the seventies, and the South Americans felt they were tucked up in 66. If that is the case FIFA are a bigger mess than I actually thought.
Molby is right there is a feeling that Blatter has done a good job, and in many ways he actually has, but you can't just turn a blind eye to corruption on that basis.
Blatter is a perfect example of Lord Acton's famous quote:
"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men"
We knew from investigative journalism FIFA was corrupt before the vote for Russia and Qatar, we just did not realise how corrupt. Voting for Qatar eleven years before it is due to be held so all the incumbents get to share the benefits now was a master stroke. The Journalist should nopt let it rest either and leave it with a job half done.
I personally think we could live with not getting the World Cup, there was a good case for Russia, and I believe the FA now just want to see a level playing field (excuse the pun) for all future votes, we really do just want to see things done right. From a lot of fans perspectives, including specifically Liverpool fans, we don't really care that much about World Cups and the like, but we don't like to see people amassing fortunes and looking after each other in such a seemingly overtly corrupt way.
There really should be an in-depth international independent investigation on FIFA and either prove the depth of it or show we were all wrong.