Do an Irish thread lads....
I used to follow England very much, took interest emotionally in how they played and fared in tournaments etc.... Now I try to prevent myself giving a flying fuck for two reasons.
1. We invariably play shite and NEVER seem to organise/maximise what resources we do have, i've lost count of the years we've watched a team almost unable to keep the ball... We are just shite basically and it's tiresome.
2. Far too many cunts use the national team for some jingoistic outdated unwarranted ego wank. I realise lots of nations hate us but for us actually to be deserving of that as a hateful ball of bad atmosphere and drunken cunts ...Rule Brittannia... GET FUCKED YOU UTTER MORONS....
In fact the only fight i've ever got into as an adult was watching England vs Argentina, the Beckham penalty one... In a fairly affluent quiet town, Stafford, and some cunts started up the "with St.George in my heart keep me English.... NO SURRENDER TO THE I.R.A."
Now firstly there is no need for any imaginary historical character to "keep" you English, you either are English or you are not, secondly we were not even playing Ireland and even if we were how the fuck and what the fuck have the I.R.A got to do with football? How exactly would "we" surrender and to whom? And who is fighting and for what and for why? I'm not big on politics or empire or jingositic shit or the troubles but.... especially when i'm watching a game... a fucking GAME....
Obviously I didn't bother to explain how i felt about it to the goons around me in the pub I was just drunk enough and stupid enough to make it known that they were cunts by shouting/screaming at the main ringleader who had started it all up in a tattooed rage "Pack it in You fucking ignorant cunt".
Unluckily the fella was within punching distance so he put a fair to middling size punch right on my ear, luckily I was pissed off enough to luckily flatten the cunt with my effort and the barstaff turfed him and his mates out.
It's colours your opinion of the team when shit like that is around it and woven through it... it's as disgraceful as it is embarrasssing as it is sad. The ordinary people who follow England are to blame in a way for not making these dickheads feel unwelcome, i remember standing on the Kop once and some head-the-ball piped up withs some racist shite and got shouted down pretty directly by the Kopites around him.... we need more of that in the world, people not willing to suffer that ignorant shit.
Yes I'm "patriotic", I do sincerely love my country and feel a deep affinity with it, the actual physical place, and I do like/love many of compatriots and how we can be... but the moment that England doesnt have twats whistling other nations national anthems while pissed and covered in Tatts deriding "foriegners" threateningly drunk as though its some kind of quasi military invasion....selling inflatable spitfires in Germany...FFS.... it's tragic just fucking tragic.
I still cheer when we score and yes it would mean a lot to me if we were good to watch and did well etc etc... but with cunts like that... how can you be proud?
Oh and another thing...
John fucking Terry.
Exactly the kind of jumped of cunt I'm talking about, apparently his "passion" means that he has to be captain, despite his completely obvious lack of decency and class.... I just hope one day we could sort it out and play with a bit of style while maintaining some dignity and respect for others both on and of the pitch.
I've repeated myself which probably shows yes I do care deep down, and i notice its a monster post so!! I remember England tournaments etc etc... lots of happy/sad indelible memories.... I just wish we could express our love for our country without all the ugly ignorant fucking Bullshit.
The poor fella who got killed last night was apparently a welshman attacked by other welshmen... strange...