Re: Dear Uncle Roy
I said it to my mates at half time, if we lose this match I'll not watch one more game with Roy in charge. I can't bear it, stand it or take it anymore.
I opted for football today instead of being with my daughter and wife, and that won't happen again while that old fartface is in charge.
Watching him and the two American cuntos turning this club into a laughing stock is more than my red heart can take. I'm a very passionate Red, and watched every game possible for God knows how long. But now, I'm sorry I can't take it anymore. No plan, no guts and a manager who just sits there while time and points drift away. Changing Maxi and taking off Cole in the 88th minute, what the hell is that about? The unability to actually do anything tactics wise is absurd. And signing Poulsen, oh lord. The worst player in the Premiership.
God help us if he stays in charge and the Americans refinance, then I'm actually afraid of relegation. So crap is the tactics and displays. And thats not knee jerk, we've been found out. And haven't got the right balance to challenge anyone these days. We're a mess and it's a bloody long way out of the darkness.