Chinese "Devil Virus" - anyone worried?

Perhaps these fools should not have voted for a tyrant in the first place. Then they wouldn't need to protest and wouldn't get banged. Oh well. By the grace of our lord their suffering will be over soon enough.
Admittedly the last time someone stood before the senate and used a blockade as a pretext to give themselves temporary emergency powers, I didn't love to see it.

But this reboot is much better. You all love to see it.
And the media have reported that incident as a bicycle being thrown at a horse.


Fact check: there is clearly what appears to be a bicycle type contraption laying next to the broken elderly lady, and it is clearly entirely possible that she did in fact throw or attempted to throw or at least intended to throw this bicycle type contraption at the horse, sometime in or around the couple of seconds that she was off camera.
Prince Charlie making a play for the throne.. Lizzie has the 'Rona.

Royalists are in tears. Thoughts and prayers and all that shit.
In reference to the thread title I'm not worried at all at this stage.

Is this the calm before the storm and I'm being complacent or should I work myself up into safety first thinking?

Stay safe etc etc
In reference to the thread title I'm not worried at all at this stage.

Is this the calm before the storm and I'm being complacent or should I work myself up into safety first thinking?

Stay safe etc etc

Bill Gates says the next pandemic won't be a coronavirus so I think you're safe to stop worrying about it
Bill Gates says the next pandemic won't be a coronavirus so I think you're safe to stop worrying about it

Nuclear Winter 10/1
Meteor strike 100/1
Food contamination 5/1
Electricity outages leading to systems failure 2/1
Contaminated forced vaccinations EVENS

Where's your money going?
My money is going on a man with no medical qualification being continually given a platform to push his vaccine agenda.
The full article here is stunning.

Not only did they withold data, they refused to look at the data they held themselves when making decisions about boosters.

When you have faith in our lord, the science is spoken unto you by divine revelation, that is the strongest kind of evidence known to man which is why there is no need to look at the data.
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What does the insurance industry know about statistics and data? You think they're a more reliable source than medical professionals? My poor misguided child.
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