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Chinese "Devil Virus" - anyone worried?

Haha so Brendan .. you literally list zero sources to repudiate anything stated. Except your own racist opinion. But hey yeah what's accuracy to someone who works for the most despised newspaper group in the country. Right up your street isn't it, fabricating instead of facts.

Wait, so hang on...this new virus isn't as "mild as US annual flu"?

All I've done, Froggy Mao, is quote your own bullshit, drivel and horrible propaganda right back at you and your mates. You don't seem to like it, and yet.....you fucking said it.

Can we still just "shrug it off" Xi? How come so many people are dying if all we needed was "pain relievers", you horrific Beijing shill?
"All the international conspiricists are focusing on are the China and the new virus as mild as the US annual flu. They are all racists, so into China and Chinese bashing"

The new virus is "as mild as US annual flu"

If you don't think it's the same, you are "all racists, so into China and Chinese bashing"

Mild. As. The. US. Annual. Flu.
Disagree? = racist opinion.

It's the same as mild US annual flu. Or you're racist.

According to Super Y Number 1 and Froggy Mao.

MILD AS THE U.S. ANNUAL FLU - take some pain relievers!

How come so many people are fucking dying? don't they know about ANADIN? Don't they realise it is as mild as the US annual flu? STOP DYING, YOU IDIOTS.
Can't be arsed reading all the petty fighting, but in case it hasn't been mentioned, the CIA apparently claim the Chinese figures were so drastically wrong because the chain of command from the bottom all the way to the top lied about it for fear they may be blamed & repercussions going down upon them.

That suggests a credible hypothesis, that by the time those at the very top realised the extent of it, they would have had to do a humiliating & confidence shattering about turn & admit it, or cover up the true numbers.

It's clear what they did, based simply upon the numbers of cremation urns they used in Wuhan.
ha so Brendan .. you literally list zero sources to repudiate anything stated. Except your own racist opinion. But hey yeah what's accuracy to someone who works for the most despised newspaper group in the country. Right up your street isn't it, fabricating instead of facts.

Racist. And please, you've been fucking eviscerated. So wind it in, lad.
Can't be arsed reading all the petty fighting, but in case it hasn't been mentioned, the CIA apparently claim the Chinese figures were so drastically wrong because the chain of command from the bottom all the way to the top lied about it for fear they may be blamed & repercussions going down upon them.

That suggests a credible hypothesis, that by the time those at the very top realised the extent of it, they would have had to do a humiliating & confidence shattering about turn & admit it, or cover up the true numbers.

It's clear what they did, based simply upon the numbers of cremation urns they used in Wuhan.

I suspect there will end up being a fair comparison to what happened at Chenobyl and the initial denial and cover up in the Soviet era.

The idea that a similar response would have likely have happened if this outbreak had happened in many western countries today will be lost on many.
Can't be arsed reading all the petty fighting, but in case it hasn't been mentioned, the CIA apparently claim the Chinese figures were so drastically wrong because the chain of command from the bottom all the way to the top lied about it for fear they may be blamed & repercussions going down upon them.

That suggests a credible hypothesis, that by the time those at the very top realised the extent of it, they would have had to do a humiliating & confidence shattering about turn & admit it, or cover up the true numbers.

It's clear what they did, based simply upon the numbers of cremation urns they used in Wuhan.

I read that too. I think to get accurate figures we'll need to see what happened in Italy and Spain. Especially when they were under so much scrutiny compared to what happened in China.
Dude, you've made a bigger mess of yourself than in that Firmino thread. Didn't think it was possible. Have enjoyed the meltdown, please continue.
I've actually felt embarrassed for him a couple of times in this thread, but it is amusing.
I really feel for the US in this instance, and for Trump. They have no concept of socialism, no means of mitigating the disaster they are experiencing. Capitalism for all other times in history is a great thing. A great gift they have bestowed upon the world, and from which we have all benefited and reaped the rewards from. But now, thanks to the pangolin eating communist scum, they are now the most ill-equipped economy on earth to cope with this doom. It's a tragic injustice.
Alas, Big D is not a hot latin student, so there is nothing I can do for him. He should flee for his life if he had any sense. Flee to Singapore.
I really feel for the US in this instance, and for Trump. They have no concept of socialism, no means of mitigating the disaster they are experiencing. Capitalism for all other times in history is a great thing. A great gift they have bestowed upon the world, and from which we have all benefited and reaped the rewards from. But now, thanks to the pangolin eating communist scum, they are now the most ill-equipped economy on earth to cope with this doom. It's a tragic injustice.


Capitalism in its recent form is the main reason things are so bad right now. The virus is the catalyst.
Capitalism needs bailing out by socialism once a decade

Perhaps now, in the insanity of zero interest rate economy you are correct. But before it could bail itself out once a decade by lowering interest rates. The socialist bail out was only needed once every seven or eight decades.
Perhaps now, in the insanity of zero interest rate economy you are correct. But before it could bail itself out once a decade by lowering interest rates. The socialist bail out was only needed once every seven or eight decades.

Why did they need to give the banks trillions in from 08 to 11? You can't print money until you can.
Why did they need to give the banks trillions in from 08 to 11? You can't print money until you can.

Because the prior seventy year cycle we had good demographics, future populations to pass the buck on to. In other words pension funds to buy financial assets. Now that is no longer the case, pension funds are net sellers of financial assets, the first batch or retirements hit in 08, and they're now cascading along. Fucking baby boomers didn't fuck enough, and now we're fucked. So today the buyer of financial assets is the state, the central banks. Hence they print the money, and buy the assets. If you take a look at the value of the ECB balance sheet over time, look at the graph, it will bring you to tears.

All the brexit talk about sovereignty and having the ability to vote is utter fake news (sorry JJ). You're voting for a government that is now (look above) owned in totality by a central bank. What good is a vote? The government isn't working at the behest of voters, it is the bitch of the central bank (which is a private limited company). Is there even such a thing as democracy then?
America's failure with this is partially structural, and part of it has to do with how geared the government is to support business interests. I'll allow some of that.

But at it's core, it's just a failure of governance, and decision making. If Obama were in power now, America would have a strong, and far more unified federal response to this. Would it be perfect? No, and of course it would still be massively complicated by the lack of any centralized healthcare system.

But it would be miles and miles better than whats going on now.

What's going on now lays bare what Trump is. He's a self promoter. He's got the brutish instinct necessary to win a certain kind of popularist election, within an electoral context that doesn't require most of America to find him remotely palatable, or even for the majority of Americans to vote for him.

What he doesn't have is any ability to lead, whatsoever. He doesn't want to problem solve, he just wants credit. He doesn't want to control competing visions for a solution, he just wants people in that will deliver sound bytes that won't lay the issue at his door. The only thing he leads, ever, is an effort to control his image, and how the news cycle covers him. That's it.

His only very limited successes came in an industry that is defined by deals, not by logistics. He's completely fucking bored of this shit, and has no ability to deal with it. And now, he has to be in front of a press that he's largely avoided in terms of answering questions, and there's a reality that he can't just keep denying, and a news story that isn't just being replaced by the next shiny thing. There's a problem, that needs fixing. There are millions of things that need distributing, and people have to figure out how best to do it, and who needs it, and deal with employers and private and public hospitals and this and that and zzzz.

And it's not unique to Obama, though I think his instinctive acceptance of expertise would be a huge advantage here. The fact that we currently have Trump in power is going to cost thousands of American lives, over virtually anyone else who has run for president in my memory, Republican or Democrat. He was an embarrassment, he was a joke, he was relatively lucky, and now he's a fucking tragedy.
I like that post, and I agree with every word.

Then I remember that the world is fucked and only bad things happen and he'll probably win the next election, too.
My wife was doing her normal round in the hospital ward checking the drug chart of a patient recently, there was a care assistant talking and checking and touching the patient , then it turned out that that patient was infected with the virus - this patient should have been in ICU - or isolated at least, the care assistant was shocked and everyone of the front line people rushed out and put their stuff on (those who had the gear to put on), to come back and move the patient. Only this week has an announcement been made regarding the protective clothing that staff need to wear at her hospital while dealing with patients. If these incidents are taking place all over the country then I suspect that many NHS staff will die. Despite all this - my wife reckons our government in the UK have done the right thing with their timing and rules for the social isolation, the only exception being that NHS workers have not been given adequate PPE.
HSE in negotiations about defective PPE delivered from China to 'ensure it doesn't happen again'
Some of the personal protective equipment (PPE) imported into Ireland from China to help fight the coronavirus pandemic has emerged to be defective, according to health officials.

Images posted online show gowns with three-quarter length sleeves, leaving arms exposed.

Health officials have acknowledged supplies in some cases are different to what Irish medics are used to and the HSE is currently in negotiations to ensure more defective equipment is not delivered.

A €200m order has seen 13 flights of PPE arrive in Ireland since Sunday and it is intended to protect doctors and nurses who are braced for a surge in the number of Covid-19 patients in hospitals over coming weeks.

Speaking on tonight's Late Late Show, HSE consultant Dr Sarah Doyle called the defects "disappointing".

"It's disappointing particularly when you see the huge effort that everybody has gone to in Aer Lingus but also behind the scenes," she said.

"There is a process in place and it was identified that some of it was defective, so better that than it be used inappropriately. Some is okay, some is what may not be usually used, in Ireland and then some is defective. The HSE is in negotiations about that and ensuring that it doesn't happen again," she said.
Can't be arsed reading all the petty fighting, but in case it hasn't been mentioned, the CIA apparently claim the Chinese figures were so drastically wrong because the chain of command from the bottom all the way to the top lied about it for fear they may be blamed & repercussions going down upon them.

That suggests a credible hypothesis, that by the time those at the very top realised the extent of it, they would have had to do a humiliating & confidence shattering about turn & admit it, or cover up the true numbers.

It's clear what they did, based simply upon the numbers of cremation urns they used in Wuhan.
Why is it so important that numbers are wrong? It may be 10 times or even 100 times worse. The open fact the whole of Hubei (60 million) was locked down, and virtually whole of China under quarantined (1.6 billion) would be enough data for any country to take notice and start preparing. But no, during the 6 weeks or 2 months of total closure of China, criticism was laid on China for being too dragonian. Who is to be blamed now that the rest of the world are unprepared?
Yes! My daily dosage of hilarity at the racist idiot has not been disappointing while having fish and chips, marmite on toast and popcorn. Hahaha haha hahaha hahaha

And the best he can do is swear profanity at others and calling names. Real playground childish stuff. Hahahaha hahahaha hahaha

I admit I was wrong that this is as mild as the seasonal flu at the beginning while China was locked down. Just like Trump! To my shame. But I wanted calm discourse with perspectives without going into hysterics. Frogfish did just that which I am thankful for. Just lay down the facts/data.

As to why calling this a Chinese Virus is racist is evidenced by increased abuse on Chinese worldwide. Even a thinking person like our idiot can be so racist, imagine what unthinking racist would do.
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