The virus has now been well documented to have been widespread (though inactive) much earlier than initially believed, everywhere from Italy (found in sewer samples going back to Feb. 2019) to the USA (months before CV-19 became viable in humans), Southern China and elsewhere in SE Asia.
Trying to ascertain how it made the jump from animals to humans will likely never be resolved. What is now certain is that it did not originate in the Wuhan Wet Market but that that was a critical outbreak in terms of numbers infected and global distribution (due to the transportation links of a city of 10m with an international airport). As has been widely established and reported, the virus would have needed the right conditions and it seems Wuhan provided them in terms of close human interaction, sanitation (health & safety procedures - more specifically lack of application, because they exist) and distribution.
I get why people in the West want to believe some of the wilder conspiracy theories, the human need to have someone to blame, racism, and for a majority a total lack of knowledge of both life in China and Chinese people in general makes this an easy step to take.
China is constantly portrayed as the enemy at the door (both in economic competition and via espionage both military and commercial) but what is now certain was a local Govt. inaction / cover-up (not the term I'd use but it's popular) is now being construed as the fault of the whole Chinese race. Considering the positive action regarding BAME this year it's extremely hypocritical of people, even within those very same BAME communities, never mind the Europe/USA general populace.
Notice how in media reporting it's rarely 'the local Wuhan Govt.' or 'Chinese Govt.' but mostly 'China' or the 'Chinese'.
What I actually find interesting is the incredible lack of understanding between people from the East/West on virtually everything concerning the other's actions/countries/politics. I'm constantly trying to defend/explain actions in the West/UK to Chinese friends and vice versa to Western friends/family where both sets have a completely biased, and inaccurate, perception of the other. Neither believe they have been brainwashed by their Govt's / Media yet that often seems to be the case.