A few wins shouldn't paper the cracks, I'm glad we're winning and out of the relegation zone, but it doesn't change the fact that he's not the right man for the job to rebuild us long term. I don't think the time for sacking him has gone, NESV don't need to justify the sacking to anyone, he wasn't their appointment, they are therefore entitled to appoint their own man. I'd like to believe they're sitting tight because they want to get the re-appointment right, they want to make sure Roy isn't the right man for the job rather than make that decision rashly and sack him. I think they will be considered in who they bring in, and rightly so; they don't want to make a rushed appointment and end up with the wrong man.
I'm happy for us to take the time to get the appointment right. I just find Roy so hard to deal with, I physically can't listen to him, I have to mute post match interviews with him, I don't watch the press conferences or read the transcipts of what he says. I sometimes see the headlines of articles and that's enough. His flip flopping from a deluded groupie to piss poor aspirations is too much for me to handle. I hate being so embarrassed of a Liverpool mananger. And if I (we) find him so painful to listen to, surely the players do too?