Bottom 5 posters of all time.

Worst 5 are a bit easier to do than top 5, so I'll start here. (Perhaps the truth is that I'm more inclined to criticise than praise, but anyway!) By the way, I like the way ILD has waltzed into both the best and the worst threads and told everybody who they should or shouldn't be voting for. His sweet exterior belies his inner Nazi. Doc Mac had some good shouts, although I think I will focus on people who have afflicted us with their shitness over long periods rather than fleeting appearances. Kanwar would definitely have made my list if he'd been with us for longer. Similarly Spag Legs, who was an ignorant fuckwit whose inability to distinguish between "of" and "have" (despite me kindly pointing it out to him) was a constant annoyance to me. I'm also going to make a distinction between unpleasant people and shit posters. We have plenty of posters who are perfectly nice people but thick as pig shit. And we've had a number of very good posters who weren't particularly nice. With that in mind, here are my bottom 5:

Nikeser: An ever-present on here back in the day, he was almost inescapable. Knew nothing about anything and demonstrated it with every single post he made. He was the worst kind of thicky in that he genuinely had no idea how stupid he was (Spag Legs fell into this category, too). Makes my top 5 due to length of service and mind-numbing stupidity.
RogerRederer: Spion pretty much summed him up. I'm pretty sure he was the invention of someone, but even so, whoever it was deserves to be recognised as a monumental twat.
Ardja: On most people's list, I imagine.
spider-neil: Like a Jack Russell with learning difficulties. Slow on the uptake and never knew when to let things go. He was ruining threads for years with his drivel. I was a little less than moved by his melodramatic departure.
Dreamy: Spouting nonsense from all corners of the globe pretty much since the site's inception, there's no way I can't include Dreamy. I understand that he's a really nice guy, but that doesn't stop him from being persistently one of the worst posters on the site. The fact that "doing a Dreamy" can be universally acknowledged as suffering from a moment of profound stupidity, pretty much says it all. Sentimentality aside, he has to feature on an all-time worst list for me. His legacy will live on long after he has left.

Honourable mentions:
Fox. Narrowly missed out, largely because he's proved to be remarkably resilient and a genuinely good sport. I actually don't mind him these days, although it still amazes me that he's a middle-aged man. I think he has to be congratulated for having made it this far.
Terrier. My memory is failing me a little, but wasn't he a horrible cunt?
Paddy. Following on from the distinction I made above, he was easily the biggest (real-life, proven) cunt ever to grace the site, but not quite in the bottom 5 posters. If you're reading, Paddy, from whatever moniker you're hiding behind these days, I hope someone has punched you in the face recently.

I'm sure I've forgotten plenty, but that will do until someone reminds of some other bellends.

Christ im going to read that a few times over the course of the weekend. Highlights include:

I like the way ILD has waltzed into both the best and the worst threads and told everybody who they should or shouldn't be voting for. His sweet exterior belies his inner Nazi.

Fox. Narrowly missed out, largely because he's proved to be remarkably resilient and a genuinely good sport. I actually don't mind him these days, although it still amazes me that he's a middle-aged man. I think he has to be congratulated for having made it this far.

If you're reading, Paddy, from whatever moniker you're hiding behind these days, I hope someone has punched you in the face recently.
I like the way ILD has waltzed into both the best and the worst threads and told everybody who they should or shouldn't be voting for. His sweet exterior belies his inner Nazi.


Oh, and can someone remind of Terrier's misdemeanours please.

I remember the name and know he/she/it was a TWAT but am struggling to recall the specifics.
I have a big smirk on my face here reading the highlights. Someone in work asked me what I was smiling at? My reply was simple, "Ah nothing, someone is just being really really really cutting on the internet".
Worst 5 are a bit easier to do than top 5, so I'll start here. (Perhaps the truth is that I'm more inclined to criticise than praise, but anyway!) By the way, I like the way ILD has waltzed into both the best and the worst threads and told everybody who they should or shouldn't be voting for. His sweet exterior belies his inner Nazi. Doc Mac had some good shouts, although I think I will focus on people who have afflicted us with their shitness over long periods rather than fleeting appearances. Kanwar would definitely have made my list if he'd been with us for longer. Similarly Spag Legs, who was an ignorant fuckwit whose inability to distinguish between "of" and "have" (despite me kindly pointing it out to him) was a constant annoyance to me. I'm also going to make a distinction between unpleasant people and shit posters. We have plenty of posters who are perfectly nice people but thick as pig shit. And we've had a number of very good posters who weren't particularly nice. With that in mind, here are my bottom 5:

Nikeser: An ever-present on here back in the day, he was almost inescapable. Knew nothing about anything and demonstrated it with every single post he made. He was the worst kind of thicky in that he genuinely had no idea how stupid he was (Spag Legs fell into this category, too). Makes my top 5 due to length of service and mind-numbing stupidity.
RogerRederer: Spion pretty much summed him up. I'm pretty sure he was the invention of someone, but even so, whoever it was deserves to be recognised as a monumental twat.
Ardja: On most people's list, I imagine.
spider-neil: Like a Jack Russell with learning difficulties. Slow on the uptake and never knew when to let things go. He was ruining threads for years with his drivel. I was a little less than moved by his melodramatic departure.
Dreamy: Spouting nonsense from all corners of the globe pretty much since the site's inception, there's no way I can't include Dreamy. I understand that he's a really nice guy, but that doesn't stop him from being persistently one of the worst posters on the site. The fact that "doing a Dreamy" can be universally acknowledged as suffering from a moment of profound stupidity, that pretty much says it all. Sentimentality aside, he has to feature on an all-time worst list for me. His legacy will live on long after he has left.

Honourable mentions:
Fox. Narrowly missed out, largely because he's proved to be remarkably resilient and a genuinely good sport. I actually don't mind him these days, although it still amazes me that he's a middle-aged man. I think he has to be congratulated for having made it this far.
Terrier. My memory is failing me a little, but wasn't he a horrible cunt?
Paddy. Following on from the distinction I made above, he was easily the biggest (real-life, proven) cunt ever to grace the site, but not quite in the bottom 5 posters. If you're reading, Paddy, from whatever moniker you're hiding behind these days, I hope someone has punched you in the face recently.

I'm sure I've forgotten plenty, but that will do until someone reminds of some other bellends.

Nikeser wasn't with us for very long. 6 months max - probably not as long as Spaghetti Legs.

And I loved him.
Nikeser wasn't with us for very long. 6 months max - probably not as long as Spaghetti Legs.

And I loved him.

Well, my memory isn't the best, but I was sure it was longer than that. And it's too long ago now to check.

Still, if you're right then it's not looking good for Fox...
I cant believe I put Singlerider and he didnt bite.
I give up. Im rubbish at trolling motherfuckers.
*winks at Single*
I always stick up for Fox. He isn't rude or nasty and took years of unnecessary e-bullying from Brendan. He isn't interested in putting his best foot forward or ensuring he posts reach a level of eloquence to match / rival others but that's his business. He comes on here to pass time and is now part of the forum furniture. His posting style is a bit similar to Dreamy's. (Soz DB). They both have a habit of spilling thoughts from their brain onto their keyboard without reading it back in their head.

Where is he btw? He hasn't reviewed a shit film in aaaages. Surely Michael Bay has released another shit film since then. Fox loves a good explosion in his films oh and tits. His two on screen requirements.
It wasn't that quick. I think he was on SCM for the best part of a year before he got the boot.

Well I definitely remember those two started the rumblings - Bloodhounds the pair of them.

Honourable mention to @the count for sniffing the cuntishness in Spaggy as well.
I always stick up for Fox. He isn't rude or nasty and took years of unnecessary e-bullying from Brendan. He isn't interested in putting his best foot forward or ensuring he posts reach a level of eloquence to match / rival others but that's his business. He comes on here to pass time and is now part of the forum furniture. His posting style is a bit similar to Dreamy's. (Soz DB). They both have a habit of spilling thoughts from their brain onto their keyboard without reading it back in their head.

I don't dislike him, or Dreamy for that matter. In fact, I've grown to respect him over the years. But I have put sentimentality aside for this exercise. This is an all-time list, after all.
1. Oncey
(No appreciation for U2)

2. Ryan
(Boot cut jeans my arse)

3. GK Macca
(If I see another Kenneth Williams picture.......)

4. Athensruari/Refugee

5. Count/Ross
(No taste buds - Southern Tayto... pppffffffffttttttt!)
I specifically had a child with a Greek so that my offspring would not fear The Lying Rag.

We call him The Day Walker and he will smite you with the fury of a thousand angry ginger Greeks.
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