Bottom 5 posters of all time.

In fact, just reminding myself of that thread, a name popped up that has slipped everyone's memory after Paddy took over the mantle:

Rafa is Shanks Love Child

What did he do again? Wasn't he supposed to be putting up Iggy when he was like 12 years old and then just fucked him off and left him to fend for himself or something?
Surely the comedy gold that was "There's this girl at the gym" prevents anybody from truly hating Marky?

Wasn't that the first ever vaulted thread or something?

Yep Marky was harmless too.

Top 5 worst posters ever should list the likes of Ardja etc.
In fact, just reminding myself of that thread, a name popped up that has slipped everyone's memory after Paddy took over the mantle:

Rafa is Shanks Love Child

What did he do again? Wasn't he supposed to be putting up Iggy when he was like 12 years old and then just fucked him off and left him to fend for himself or something?

Yep. Ijg got the train up from Nottingham for Xmas Drinkies. RISLC was meant to be putting him up in his 'boss' new flat and then shut off contact when Ijg was on the way to Liverpool. Sunny stepped in and put him up for the two nights. Hero move.
Yep. Ijg got the train up from Nottingham for Xmas Drinkies. RISLC was meant to be putting him up in his 'boss' new flat and then shut off contact when Ijg was on the way to Liverpool. Sunny stepped in and put him up for the two nights. Hero move.

I bet Sunny was RISLC all along and this was a massive ploy on his behalf to get us all singing his praises.
Great thread, great memories.

Brendan was a dick.
Jamo was a dick.
RISLC was a dick (standing up Ijg AND that annoying MC Hammer avatar).
aRdja was a dick.
Glock was a dick.

Foureyes was a top lad (boss at Travian if I remember rightly).
Brendan gets off way too easily. Apart from working for Murdoch and maligning anyone who was disabled, he looked as though he'd kill you. I can see from the above it's the way to go, but there are still standards.
Have you ever met Sunny mate? He's genuinely one of the soundest people I've met.
That's what he wants you to think..

Ha, no, I've never met any of you guys, despite being acquainted with you for over a decade, Sunny certainly comes across very decent over here though, as do many of you.
I sometimes wonder if Red Astaire has had an irony bypass somewhere along the line, the amount of things on here whooshing straight over his head.
I sometimes wonder if Red Astaire has had an irony bypass somewhere along the line, the amount of things on here whooshing straight over his head.

Ha - Silly Peter. I can assure you my understanding of the concept of irony is as sound as ever. I was merely curious to know if Mystic had ever met Sunny. You didn't honestly think I took Mystic at his word regarding RISLC and Sunny did you? Silly Peter..
Ha - Silly Peter. I can assure you my understanding of the concept of irony is as sound as ever. I was merely curious to know if Mystic had ever met Sunny. You didn't honestly think I took Mystic at his word regarding RISLC and Sunny did you? Silly Peter..

Yeah it seemed reasonable.
Surely the comedy gold that was "There's this girl at the gym" prevents anybody from truly hating Marky?

Wasn't that the first ever vaulted thread or something?

No. It was tedious repetitive bullshit in my eyes. Along with the trolling he used to do across here and EST as well.
Ok ... after much debating ... to be 'bottom 5,' pretty much 99% of the site has to hate you in one way or another ...
1049: Glock (Bar Lech & maybe Ross, he drove most of us bonkers)
1050: aRdja (I don't think he was that bad a guy - but he pissed enough people off with his posting style)
1051: Rebtel23 (Brendan's most famous punching bag ... Was he that bad?)
1052: Momo/Blackie Gray/Boat to Bolivia etc (what a tiresome thundercunt)
1053: Jamie K (what an attention seeking whore)

Honorable mentions to Paddy & RISLC ... they can be tied for 1048.
In fact, just reminding myself of that thread, a name popped up that has slipped everyone's memory after Paddy took over the mantle:

Rafa is Shanks Love Child

What did he do again? Wasn't he supposed to be putting up Iggy when he was like 12 years old and then just fucked him off and left him to fend for himself or something?

Yep, proper fucking cunt he was.

Props to Sean aka Sunny, who's a top fucking bloke and big shoutout to @Dreambeliever who looked after me too.
I picked Jason because I don't enjoy his posts. I wasn't trying to be sensationalist but he'd make my list. I bet Jason is an alter ego of Doc mac or something like that. I love doc mac though.

I'll do both my lists later.
I can't take credit for Jason. Jason is one of those cats who everyone will realise was a genius generations after his death. Deffo shouldn't be on anybody's worst poster list.
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