So with that full statement, is where you are at "stop it, think of the children, and just stop now for the love of god, stop looking for and talking about fraud" or is it "hmm let me wait until the vote data is analysed, and in the meantime I'll pay more attention to the analysis of the publicly available vote data which the autistics scraped off websites".
I’ll stick where I was 80 odd pages and a month ago - no evidence of systemic voter fraud.
I could have added “to date” for Ross and your benefit - and it would have been the same today - pretty much confirmed by the US Attorney General.
Look... feel free to keep clutching at straws, believing that some Trump supporter with a copy of Excel has cracked the Divinci Code or something (maybe he should have sent the info to the Attorney General instead of Rudi Giuliani - Barr hasn’t seen it “AS YET” maybe???).
You know it’s all bollocks - of course you do.