What's weird is that you don't give a shit.
I don't know how you discerned that from my post.
Can sex offenders not tell the truth every now and again ?
What's weird is that you don't give a shit.
I'm sorry if you're offended that I'm biased against paedos.
Fucking trump weirdos have been pointing and shouting paedo at just about everyone they disagree with and you've got an actual convicted one as the first person talking about voter fraud, an actual nonce, and you don't seem to mind. Lols.
So you have decided that voter fraud isn't an issue because a paedo thinks it happened.
You're a fool.
Are you saying they are three separate groups ?
He didn't win 80% of the vote in PA. He won 80% of the vote in one democratic county in PA.
You must be new to following geopolitics on this local a level in the US, but because Trump's nonsense has him stumbling into the area and you crawl around smelling his farts, here you are. Since you are new, allow me to fill you in. Every American has seen these splits before. It happens every fucking election.
The western part of PA, like most post-industrial parts of the NE and midatlantic, is in a near terminal decline, and is some of the staunchest trump support I've ever seen. Some of these counties went for trump at 75% plus, some at more than 80%. When the in-person vote was immediately counted, without the mail-in vote, the margins in some of these counties were 90% Did you bat an eye at that? Was it evidence of fraud?
The only difference here was a question of narrative. There ought not be a narrative structure to counting, but because different votes were counted at different times, there was here. Otherwise this election would have never been seen as particularly close. Several states would have been called much earlier, and Biden would have probably locked up the call that night.
In PA the number of mail in votes was staggeringly democratic. More than three times as many democratic mail in ballots were requested, and a higher percentage were returned by democrats. No one really liked Biden, but a supermajority of people in most large cities in the Northeast fucking HATES trump. Add that into your model of all human behavior.
Fair. Still Pennsylvania is the court case they will definitely lose and nobody will take your insight into account.
Also fair that the math for the Michigan ballots remains impossible to explain without fraud.
Biden's win in PA will end up being closer to 80,000. Good luck with that.
Have you sent Trump money yet? He needs it for this important effort!
Can someone explain the fraud allegations / evidence without saying do your own research or something else all the bellends have been saying for the last few years?
Can someone explain the fraud allegations / evidence without saying do your own research or something else all the bellends have been saying for the last few years?
Love this guy
Biden appointing Obama as UK ambassador is fucking hilarious.
Learn 2 calender dude
Sorry, non capito niente.
What are the allegations though? What's meant to have happened?
On election night:
(1) By bedtime Big D was miles ahead (leading to my premature ejactulation in this thread, as well as the bookies I might add)
(2) During the middle of the night Biden made unheard of comebacks thanks to the mail in ballots being heavily in his favour
(3) Somebody on twitter took screenshots of a dump of 130k mail in ballots being 100% all for Biden (this was later explained as human error)
(4) Someone else posted the graph of vote totals changing over time, and Biden's did a vertical overtake around 4am (which made my jaw drop as that just doesn't happen in real world data, ever)
So all of the above is what kicked off the claims of a fraud. The next allegations over the following days off the top of my head:
(1) Thousands of dead people being registered to vote, and therefore sent out mail in ballot request forms
(2) Individual cases of dead people who when checked on the website were shown to have voted (websites have now deleted the records of these people)
(3) Postal ballots found in trash
(4) A whistleblower postman saying he was told to backdate mail ballots to make it look like they arrived on time on election day (FBI investigating now)
(5) Software glitch in counting machine which flipped 6000 Bid D votes into Biden votes (this was corrected later)
(6) Poll watchers being refused access to watch the ballots being counted in numerous states
(7) Voters in Trump leaning places being given sharpies to fill in the ballots, which subsequently failed to read (this case was dismissed, no idea if they will pursue it)
(8) 450k ballots that only had a mark for biden, none of the other matters were voted on
(9) A shit load of mathematical impossibilities (https://theredelephants.com/there-is-undeniable-mathematical-evidence-the-election-is-being-stolen/)
The real court cases won't pursue much of that, it's just to make it obvious to people dodgy shit went on so they accept them winning the case on technicalities. The main technicality is the mail in ballots had to be received by 8pm election night, have to be traceable to actual voters, and have to have been observed by poll watchers. They'll argue those laws / rules were not followed and try to get the ballots thrown out. The reason they weren't followed in reality is because the democrats were up to (1) to (9) above. The fake news are saying there is no ethidence of that wah wah wah. That's not what they need evidence of though. They're going for legal arguments and technicalities. At least they should be if their lawyers have a brain.
So trump's lawyers are suing on technicalities? Is that what you're saying?