You're missing the point again Stevie, so I'll break it down into terms you might understand.
Let's say me and you were in Court over a bottle of expensive red wine we were in dispute over.
The Court makes an order saying I have to deliver you that bottle within 48 hours. I go home open the bottle and pour the contents into my decanter. Then I send you the bottle I was ordered to deliver to you.
I've technically complied with the order, without giving you what you were actually looking for.
That's what happened here.
It’s a lovely story Ross, but it isn’t what happened here.
The audit carried out on 3rd Feb was by Pro V & V. You can find it’s findings here :
There is no suggestion that V & V didn’t have access to the backup and their report has a clear Conclusion.
When Cyber Ninjas started their audit, In May, I believe - they noticed the system was backed up and “purged” on 2nd Feb.
It’s Cyber Ninjas who didn’t request access to the backups, that’s what Maricopa County let Julia know in her tweet.
Now... I don’t know why Cyber Ninjas didn’t subpoena the backup servers - maybe it’s because their hand count tallied closely with the official result, so the backups would only reinforce the fact that the count was correct.
You seem to be conflating the two audits - the V&V Audit that has access to everything it needed in 3rd Feb and the later Cyber Ninjas audit, that had months to subpoena whatever info it wanted and was not subject to a “purge” the day before it commenced.
You’ll find these details in the Cyber Ninjas report if you look.
(Section 6.4.1, page 63 in case you need help).
So... to update your analogy so that it’s accurate - there is no court case - I shared a bottle of expensive wine with someone (they were happy with it) and you’ve found out that I opened the bottle of wine and decanted it the night before - which you found weird (possibly because you have no experience in drinking fine wine). You only asked me for the empty bottle which has been provided. You didn’t ask for the wine in the decanter - which you could of if you wanted to.
(This is the bit that’s hard to refer to reality - because I would have clearly smashed that wine... but let’s pretend it still exists in the decanter and hasn’t turned to vinegar).
You have since opened your own bottle of the wine and found that it was fine, though not to your taste possibly and because as you were hired to specifically review the wine as being shit, upon finding that your tasting notes match mine... all you’re left with is arguing that you think it’s weird I opened the wine and decanted it the night before sharing it with someone else... while you necked yours out of the bottle.
Are you clear yet on where you’ve misunderstood what happened - you’ve sucked in fake news and didn’t apply a little bit of thought and logic to what happened.
Are you going to double down and make yourself look even sillier?